The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I'm doing quite well today, despite my grandmother not yet being released from the hospital, but I'm still holding up hopes that she'll get to come home tomorrow. The day was productive. I got more done on my story. :)
I am very ill, just got back from the Doctors and apparently I have food poisoning. Apart from that I am good, My love for Left4Dead has been re kindled by the new Survival mode so I have been on it non stop, thus no time for Forums of even 4chan. Stuck at work atm though. Very bored and feel like anus :puke:
I'm doing good today, I'm ''sick'' right now or.. maybe just because I didn't wanted to go to school. but anyways... I'm fine :)

I used to do that alot:mad: Now I have shit grades:mad:

I am very ill, just got back from the Doctors and apparently I have food poisoning. Apart from that I am good, My love for Left4Dead has been re kindled by the new Survival mode so I have been on it non stop, thus no time for Forums of even 4chan. Stuck at work atm though. Very bored and feel like anus :puke:


Seriously I didn't find Left4Dead any good. Maybe it's only fun online.
I am fantastic today!

I found out my father is being considered for a new job. He got called for an interview tomorrow. So, there's a bit of worry off my mind. I got a beautiful dress (didn't cost a thing) and the night is just so peaceful. :)
I'm raging a bit today (good thing I made that playlist). My brother has to be, by far, the most negative person in the world. He has me convinced that another one of my friends will die.