The return of the "How are you today?" thread

@Muffin: Feel better kiddo! I'll play you something kick ass once I get to DJ ever again.
@Lady Lucid: It will be fine and I'll give you a big hug. It is all going to get better. I promise.
@Zara: If you ever want to talk about "stuff" just let me know. I go to therapy and all sorts of stuff. I can help if you need it.

Well...I'm trying not to get kicked out of my graduate program, but I just found out my actual huge issue so I should be fine. I'm motivated to do my work and that is wonderful I think. I'm single again and I don't know who did the dumping last night, I was kinda sick and not really paying attention. Despite all my shit, I feel happy and that's good.
It was kinda Steve's fault, he went through my phone last week to see who I have been calling and then told me he couldn't go through my e-mails anymore cause I had too many accounts. I think he meant it as a joke, but I don't know. He was always bugging me about you (Flo) and Matias. So last night he went on my facebook and found something I guess and called and blew up at me. Whatever...

Why do you guys feel the need to go through a girl's private stuff? Seriously quesiton by the way.
@xanina - thanks :)

@topic : I ache like a motherfuckeeerr.
Plastic Toys were amazing last night though :)
It was kinda Steve's fault, he went through my phone last week to see who I have been calling and then told me he couldn't go through my e-mails anymore cause I had too many accounts. I think he meant it as a joke, but I don't know. He was always bugging me about you (Flo) and Matias. So last night he went on my facebook and found something I guess and called and blew up at me. Whatever...

Why do you guys feel the need to go through a girl's private stuff? Seriously quesiton by the way.

Holy fuck! I am always part of the problem! (Don't know if i should laugh about it or cry)

Feel better! :)

Also, He seems to have control issues.

Serious question: Why the fuck do ex's seem to have the need to call you in the middle of the night drunk? Goddamn...pisses me off!:lol:

On-Topic: I am okay...had a failed getting-drunk-evening last night because of dad. I was suddenly picked up by my brother when i was halfly drunk. An evening cut short then...I went home to listen to some music and sleep.(Only to be woken up by that fucking call...)
I'm doing okay, although I'm somewhat confused right now about whether my presentation group for my Print Advertising class is meeting today. Doesn't make a difference if we are or not, really, because I have a shitton of work to do anyway, but I would like to know the details so I don't miss a meeting AGAIN and get bitched out by my group leader AGAIN.
Serious question: Why the fuck do ex's seem to have the need to call you in the middle of the night drunk? Goddamn...pisses me off!:lol:

I did that once and we ended up back together by the end of the night, while the guy who I was hanging out with puked all over the bar.

Good times.
@Lady Lucid: It will be fine and I'll give you a big hug. It is all going to get better. I promise.

Thank you! :) I'm trying to keep my spirits up.

On topic: I'm doing quite well today. I went out for a run in what's classified as "fire weather". I don't recommend it, but I enjoyed myself nonetheless!