The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I went to see '17 Again' today. I was surprised, It was quite good.
Even though I hate the high school musical dude whatever his name is, Zac something. But either way.. :)
I just want to RAAAAAGE today.

My grandmother's in the hospital, my parents are having financial problems, and my brother and father love making me feel horrible about myself. I'm trying to keep my spirits up through music, but it's not working all that well, to be honest.
I just want to RAAAAAGE today.

My grandmother's in the hospital, my parents are having financial problems, and my brother and father love making me feel horrible about myself. I'm trying to keep my spirits up through music, but it's not working all that well, to be honest.

Listen to Dragonforce and Rhapsody (Of Fire)!

Cheesy music always gets you in a good mood!
I'm.. eh.. iunno.. could be better. Alot better. Pretty bad today. ;/

Back to school tomorrow. but i've only got like a month and then I'm free.
Exams first -.-

Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealously. The shadow of greed, that is.


EDIT: Ok, I feel like an asshole now, but it was with good intention. I wish both you and your grandmother well.
i just got "diagnosed" or whatever with MONO :(((

gonna be out for a couple weeks, im presrcribed to fckin vicadin and some sort of steroid my throat hurts so bad its not even funny

:lol: wtf! you got vicodin for mono?? mono just makes you extremely tired and you feel really fatigued all day. and yeah, your throat will hurt a lot. it should go away in about a month. don't kiss anyone right now and don't share drinks/food with anyone.