The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I went to see Dragonball Evolution today.. It was .. good. actually. Goku was hot.. [Oh sshh I'm a girl, sue me.]

I'm good 'cause I just got done with work. Earlier today I kept getting all lightheaded. And then I realized maybe it could be because I haven't eaten or drank anything since last night... Just a theory.

And I'm kind of frustrated 'cause we've been looking for a house to rent for months with no luck. Couch surfing bites. D=
GOOD! Next session I got awesome classes! First of all, dynamic of galaxies clusters (go theorical astro!), then non-abelian gauge-theory and finally strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions phenomenology (YAY!)!
today was great

i learned my "best friend" BROKE INTO MY HOUSE and stole all my booze
he also hacked my myspace and sent some very PERSONAL conversations to just about everyone
i learned from my girlfriends best friend that my gf will dump me as soon as she gets out of rehab

I woke up at 6:30 am after only a few hours of sleep last night. in less than 3 hours I will have been up for 24 hours. wtf am I doing.

oh that's right. trying to write drums for this fucking song!