The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Hey, does anyone else hate that feeling when you meet a girl that's just too hot?

Not that you aren't self-confident, but she's just so good looking that it wrecks your mind? They can be super chill, and you can do nothing wrong and act like the calmest person on the planet, but in your head -no matter how much you convince yourself that it's all good and you don't care either way- you only have one thing going through your head.

"Fuck! fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK."

It's almost not even enjoyable being around them, because you're just waiting to trip up and act like a dumbass.

I should just get it over with and hit her in the face.
Hey, does anyone else hate that feeling when you meet a girl that's just too hot?

Not that you aren't self-confident, but she's just so good looking that it wrecks your mind? They can be super chill, and you can do nothing wrong and act like the calmest person on the planet, but in your head -no matter how much you convince yourself that it's all good and you don't care either way- you only have one thing going through your head.

"Fuck! fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK."

It's almost not even enjoyable being around them, because you're just waiting to trip up and act like a dumbass.

I should just get it over with and hit her in the face.

Meh, Iron Maiden are alright..I hate the way metal fans are made feel obligated to like the classics of the genre..Iron Maiden have some killer songs and I respect their standing in heavy metal history, but ffs they're waaaaaay too overrated and overhyped.

Spirit crusher who came up with that quote in your sig? As far as I'm aware I think it's fairly universally accepted that God didn't actually write any of the scriptures or bible books or the 'ten' commandments even himself..

1. There is no singing in that video
2. It's AWESOME galopping, not ghey ones that go through all the song.


Obvious troll is obvious. 3/10 dude. You only got 2 bonus points for getting Swabs.


I wouldn't say they suck, but they're definitely not as great as people make them out to be.

And Priest is way better, tbh. :V

True, but the singing of Priest also sounds homosexual. (OHLAWD:lol:)

Meh, Iron Maiden are alright..I hate the way metal fans are made feel obligated to like the classics of the genre..Iron Maiden have some killer songs and I respect their standing in heavy metal history, but ffs they're waaaaaay too overrated and overhyped.

These are my exact thoughts.
Spirit crusher who came up with that quote in your sig? As far as I'm aware I think it's fairly universally accepted that God didn't actually write any of the scriptures or bible books or the 'ten' commandments even himself..

No...He read them out to people so the people could write them down...

I think its universally known...
No...He read them out to people so the people could write them down...

I think its universally known...

It's the 'word of the Lord' but he didn't actually come down and personally write it himself did he?
It's the phraseology that annoys me about it..and also the fact that whoever wrote this seems to be suggesting that Christian ideology is a farce because God didn't communicate his orders for morality and his impressions on the human condition in long, rambling soliloquys and eloquent medieval vocabulary. Truth can be as easily and credibly infered through the writings of some barely literate peasant as some poncy wordsmith like Shakespeare. I'm borderline atheist so I actually agree with the message he was trying to get through just not the way he put the idea forward..:p
True, but the singing of Priest also sounds homosexual. (OHLAWD:lol:)
Halford's lows are alright (See: Night Crawler or Tyrant), but I agree, his "nails on a chalkboard" falsettos get on my nerves.

But musically, fucking great band, and the only NWOBHM I give a damn about.

Meh, Iron Maiden are alright..I hate the way metal fans are made feel obligated to like the classics of the genre..Iron Maiden have some killer songs and I respect their standing in heavy metal history, but ffs they're waaaaaay too overrated and overhyped.
Hey, does anyone else hate that feeling when you meet a girl that's just too hot?

Not that you aren't self-confident, but she's just so good looking that it wrecks your mind? They can be super chill, and you can do nothing wrong and act like the calmest person on the planet, but in your head -no matter how much you convince yourself that it's all good and you don't care either way- you only have one thing going through your head.

"Fuck! fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK."

It's almost not even enjoyable being around them, because you're just waiting to trip up and act like a dumbass.

I should just get it over with and hit her in the face.

calculate dick size vs her beauty :p
It's the 'word of the Lord' but he didn't actually come down and personally write it himself did he?
It's the phraseology that annoys me about it..and also the fact that whoever wrote this seems to be suggesting that Christian ideology is a farce because God didn't communicate his orders for morality and his impressions on the human condition in long, rambling soliloquys and eloquent medieval vocabulary. Truth can be as easily and credibly infered through the writings of some barely literate peasant as some poncy wordsmith like Shakespeare. I'm borderline atheist so I actually agree with the message he was trying to get through just not the way he put the idea forward..:p

No you are a pussy. Religion doesn't quite work that way, where one picks and chooses the pros and cons of each one and calls themselves "borderline atheist" to come off as open minded. Your argument is completely invalid on that ignorance alone.