The Ron Paul appreciation thread!

He's got some good ideas, but without a Congress to back him he'd never be able to get very many of them to come to fruition.

That may be the case, however, if he is doing job and congress prevents him from doing so, those congressional officials and senators won't be getting reelected. There is a reason why congress and senate is voted in between the presidential election.
Is he a Creationist? I can't decide if he is or not. I know he doesn't believe in The Theory of Evolution and thinks a "Creator" (His) did it all but I haven't heard him say he believes in the creation myth in the Bible.

To me, this shows (if he is a creationist) a total lack of critical thinking skills and boarders on insanity, which could be a bad thing.

Edit: I should mention he excepts there is no proof for his "Creator".
So far at least for me he seems to be the lesser of all the evils at the moment. Obama? Yeah fuck that I will not be voting for him, that asshole has nuked my health (read again, I said MY) insurance to hell and back and I think it sucks. Because of that retarded piece of shit bill I get to look forward to not being able to afford my medication next year and get to see the HRA account that the company setup a few years back either get flushed or severely restricted because of that crap piece of legislation.
So he doesn't "believe" in evolution? Quotes because you don't have to believe, there's tons of evidence to back it up, so honestly whoever denies that yet accepts the self-contradictory fairy tales of an old book out of pure inculcation, I can't really trust. I'm not American so I'm speaking out of my ass, but I figured I could give my opinion anyways.

And that Christian nation thing, bullshit, many of the founding fathers were atheist.
Oh I know why they like him. In three words: The Federal Reserve.

Fits right into their whole NWO thing.

I wasn't trying to discredit the guy.

He's Christian, I won't be voting for him based on that alone. :lol: Another vote in the trashcan. :heh:

Well, the Federal Reserve IS immensely sketchy, and even more so to anyone who doesn't buy into Keynesian nonsense. The Federal Reserve Act was written in secret at JP Morgan's millionaire's estate, by bankers, for the benefit of the banks, and passed through Congress during Christmas vacation when there was low attendance. Beyond that, just look at the currency devaluation we've gone through in this country since 1913. Also, our insane debt burden simply could not have occurred without a central bank to monetize our nation's debts. Politicians make lofty promises to get elected, that they don't have to fund through things like taxation and balanced budgets, all made possible because of the Fed. And supposedly a small body of central planners know precisely what value our interest rates should be at any given time? The housing bubble wouldn't have occurred without the Fed's low interest rates. Trillions of dollars lent in secret to foreign central banks? Trillions pumped into the US economy to "save" it? I could go on and on...

As for Creationism, in one of his books he briefly talked about the subject, and I got the feeling that he was a lot like myself on the topic—that it is pointless to argue, and impossible to know precisely by what mechanism that God created the universe and life in it.

As for you elevating his Christianity to "deal breaker" status, regardless of all of his other principles, his track record, and his intellect, to me, this shows a total lack of critical thinking skills and boarders on insanity, which could be a bad thing :heh:
(cut) I'm aware. :Saint:

As for Creationism, in one of his books he briefly talked about the subject, and I got the feeling that he was a lot like myself on the topic—that it is pointless to argue, and impossible to know precisely by what mechanism that God created the universe and life in it.

That's the point within my question. It's not clear to me. Feelings aside.

I'm more concerned about his actual positions on the matter.

As for you elevating his Christianity to "deal breaker" status, regardless of all of his other principles, his track record, and his intellect, to me, this shows a total lack of critical thinking skills and boarders on insanity, which could be a bad thing :heh:

You have to know I was just kidding, right? :lol: <----- reminder
I don't see a need to nitpick on his personal beliefs when he has clearly stated over and over it's up to each individual to practice their freedom of belief.
He's clearly not one of those very annoying ''shove it down your throat'' religious people, but rather a good man with solid principles. I respect that a lot.

Ron Paul is not about enforcing his views on others; he stands for individual liberty (an idea he repeats over and over).

Fwiw, I have met some christians who are actually intelligent, open minded and humble enough to at least actually have an argument with, and on the other hand, A LOT of self-proclaimed 'satanists'/atheists/etc who couldn't be more self-righteous, dumb and ignorant if they tried to.

But that is another topic for a different thread.
eh...Only thing I can agree with him is some certain domestic issues. But Other than that, his fiscal and foreign policy is quite destructive if you look at it.
Cutting back military intelligence? Does he plan to run across the street with a blind fold on? He's all hype and no substance.

Only people voting for him I know are the piss poor and college libertarian kids, who can't seem to figure out there communications degree doesn't pay for their 100k+ college debt at an Ivy League.

Edit: Not trying to troll here, but this Ron Paul guy's politics really irritates me.

You mentioned destructive foreign policy. He is the only rep that wants peace. Withdraw all troops. Why are we paying for troops in Germany?

Speaking of troops...You mentioned Ron Pauls supporters are all college kids: He has more donations from the men and women of the military than all of the other candidates combined. Including Obama. So the average pen pusher in Australia, or the average seal in the desert are DONATING to Ron Paul.

He predicted the mess of relations our presence would cause:

He predicted the housing bubble

He predicted/voted against wars, predicted the feds lending devaluing the dollar, predicted freddy and fanny predatory lending would result in massive collage costs not in line with inflation.

Not only did he warn, he voted against party lines. He called everything...Corporatism etc etc.

The media has influenced the public parrot fashion to ignore/ridicule Ron Paul.

They need to keep corporatism/money in politics alive for advertising reasons.

Murdoch makes 100's million from his mags, tv, newspapers etc during campaign time. He wants that sweet sweet lobbying nectar to drip from the Fanny and Freddies etc to candidates who turn it into ads. Plus he and his cronies need the Fed honey dripper giving out loans at 0.001% interest so they can keep afloat in times of trouble. Murdoch himself almost went under once, but cronyism loans saved his bacon.

It's not just Fox. All mainstream news need corporatism to flourish so they can keep their adverts flowing from GE, big pharm with couples riding bikes because of mystery pills etc.


So if you hate Fox news...hate the fed...hate endless wars...hate police/welfare state then Ron Paul is the man.
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I'm also not 100% on board with his opinions on abortion

Here's his personal opinion on abortion (and remember he is an OB - one of the most noble professions I can think of):

The fact that he respects life that much tells me much more.

As for his political position on the subject you're right, regulating it at a state level isn't gonna change much, but the thing is he doesn't flip-flop or use the topic to try and win votes.

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I remember my first time reading.

I explicitly wrote that I don't agree with his opinions on abortion, not his policies.

Hey Jeff- I wasn't stressing the difference in between his personal and his political posture in relation to your post (since you also made that distinction), but because of how he upholds the values of the Constitution above his own.

I've seen a lot of overseas optimism on Ron Paul's candidacy, whereas some Americans seem more pessimistic about it. I think that may have to do with the fact that people outside the US are not constantly bombarded by the immense TV/newspaper media bias? or that the ballot system could be easily manipulated?

Come January we'll see..