eh...Only thing I can agree with him is some certain domestic issues. But Other than that, his fiscal and foreign policy is quite destructive if you look at it.
Cutting back military intelligence? Does he plan to run across the street with a blind fold on? He's all hype and no substance.
Only people voting for him I know are the piss poor and college libertarian kids, who can't seem to figure out there communications degree doesn't pay for their 100k+ college debt at an Ivy League.
Edit: Not trying to troll here, but this Ron Paul guy's politics really irritates me.
You mentioned destructive foreign policy. He is the only rep that wants peace. Withdraw all troops. Why are we paying for troops in Germany?
Speaking of troops...You mentioned Ron Pauls supporters are all college kids: He has more donations from the men and women of the military than all of the other candidates combined. Including Obama. So the average pen pusher in Australia, or the average seal in the desert are DONATING to Ron Paul.
He predicted the mess of relations our presence would cause:
He predicted the housing bubble
He predicted/voted against wars, predicted the feds lending devaluing the dollar, predicted freddy and fanny predatory lending would result in massive collage costs not in line with inflation.
Not only did he warn, he voted against party lines. He called everything...Corporatism etc etc.
The media has influenced the public parrot fashion to ignore/ridicule Ron Paul.
They need to keep corporatism/money in politics alive for advertising reasons.
Murdoch makes 100's million from his mags, tv, newspapers etc during campaign time. He wants that sweet sweet lobbying nectar to drip from the Fanny and Freddies etc to candidates who turn it into ads. Plus he and his cronies need the Fed honey dripper giving out loans at 0.001% interest so they can keep afloat in times of trouble. Murdoch himself almost went under once, but cronyism loans saved his bacon.
It's not just Fox. All mainstream news need corporatism to flourish so they can keep their adverts flowing from GE, big pharm with couples riding bikes because of mystery pills etc.
So if you hate Fox news...hate the fed...hate endless wars...hate police/welfare state then Ron Paul is the man.