No offense Joematthews, but you're talking up a huge game when you clearly don't know shit about Ron Paul.
I am still surprised that people still have skepticism over letting the
unregulated free market control various social services rather than have the federal government hold it in monopoly. People that would rather have socialism and government handouts and pay high premiums for such government services really need to zip it.
To the socialist supporters who thing that Ron Paul getting rid of Obamacare and placing medicine back to the free market would allow for some people to go without health care have no clue about anything regarding him. I'm not going to explain his system, but in short, yes everyone will be taken care of, or rather he would be bringing one reform at a time to fix the troubled medical system. If you don't know his ideas for reforms other than cutting social medicine, go look it up and stop being an anti-capitalist.
You Europeans can be Socialist all you want, here in 'Muricuh", we are capitalists, get over it. Just because you don't understand how our system works doesn't mean that yours is any better. Our economy started going down the shitter the more socialist we have become. At the end of the day, I firmly believe that I shouldn't have to forfeit my income to the government to pay someone else's medical, and I believe that the government should not have a monopoly on medicine. We pay way too much for treatment because the fed had NO competition. I also believe that I don't have to forfeit my income to public schools especially if I wish to opt out. I would rather pay the school I want my children or myself to attend myself, rather than pay the government to provide me a public school system I cannot choose. Around here every school has its own curriculum, some public schools have better/more programs especially relating to college, so by default some public school provide less of an opportunity for students in terms of what colleges will be available to them. The sad thing is, in large cities like where I live, there can be two high schools of different districts withing a mile of each other, in my case, our designated school district ranks one of the lowest in the state across the state and has last time I checked no extra curricular college classes. Across the street, (literally) the neighboring district has one of the highest scores in the state and some of the best college prep courses as well as many extra curricular college classes. But you can't go there because we have a designated district that we have to go to, that we are forced to pay to the government and we don't have the right to opt out and go to a private school, or you can go to a private school but you still have to pay for public school even though you aren't attending. To top it all off you still have to pay for public schools even if you don't have kids that are going to school, how fair is that, my income is being taken away from me to pay for some other kid's tuition, who may or may not even be going to that public school. Our state claims that they pay school based on attendance, however, the tax or budget that they pass every year is a flat rate so if less kids go to public schools, then, it goes to other services (Welfare, SS etc) and unfortunately particularly where I live, the large majority of people on welfare/food stamps, are people who are permanently unemployed and not looking for a job, mooching off the system, because they make more sitting on their asses and getting welfare checks than if they actually got a job. So again, my hard earned paycheck is being robbed from me so that some lazy cocksucker who refuses to get a job can get a free handout and not have to work. Again how fucking fair is that?
I am not for any on person being denied healthcare if they do not have health insurance or their insurance turns them down, that is pure wrong, but socialized medicine is not the answer. If you knew more on Dr. Paul's stance on healthcare reforms, you would know that he wants everyone to have healthcare and never be denied, but he (like me) does not want the medical expenses to be on taxpayer dollar.
The whole previous page in this thread is full of false know-it-alls that need to do a little bit more research on Dr. Paul.