I can appreciate not wanting to implement more socialized policies given the current state of our economic affairs, but to dismiss them completely and to champion other policies instead is just dumb.
I agree with this a lot. And I'm quite sure RP is NOT the kind of person who is going to let people 'die on the street'. If anything, he's the
only guy out in the race who's actually concerned about THE PEOPLE. Why? Because he's sponsored by THE PEOPLE.
ALL of the other candidates are sponsored largely by CORPORATIONS, so it's quite obvious
who they're going to be working for once they get elected.
RP -or any other GOP candidate, for that matter- cannot start talking about socialist policies atm. It would be a political suicide and the other candidates would cling onto in an instant (even Obama himself, in due time).
A candidate dumb enough to make such a move right now is pretty much going to be toast. So don't expect any of them to do so.
Besides, without fixing the economy first, discussing
anything else is only an exercise in futility that serves the purpose of distracting people from what they should really be most concerned with.
Fix the economy & reduce government first, and
then talk about implement a better healthcare policy. Why is that so hard to understand.
Over the weekend's two debates Romney was saying how it's good that he has multimillion companies because that makes him 'more understanding of how to help businesses'. That's quite scary. The guy has personal interests worth
millions of dollars. Add to that the fact that he's being sponsored by characters such as Bush Sr. McCain, etc. This is the robot that corporations want to shove down your throat (Obama or him, doesn't really matter, they're all the same):
To me there's no better example of the dangers of total deregulation - corporations exploit, consolidate their power, and become impervious, it's like the bully on the playground who just hogs all the toys, they're never gonna play fair when profits are involved.
Funny, that is exactly what's happening right now with corporate sponsored administrations and huge government.
The way I see it is pretty simple:
You're in a bus speeding down towards a cliff. Four guys battling over who gets to take over the wheel. Three of them want to keep heading in the same direction (even though they tell you they won't) which means you're eventually going to fall down the cliff. One of them though, wants to
actually hit the breaks and then reverse.
And incredibly enough, people in the b
us complain about things like 'oh but what if he were to stumble upon some rocky road, or can't drive as smoothly -if we allow him to try- as if he was driving forward'.
I think it is beyond clear no one actually believes Ron Paul has a secured nomination. Which is
all the more reason to keep pushing him forward.
..Or be apathetic and then bitch about being unemployed, having to pay more and higher taxes, having relatives going to war to die, having your liberties ripped to shreds, etc etc.