The Ron Paul appreciation thread!

This is my favorite thread.

If you're in here supporting Ron Paul, I love you! (nohomo) Lets get our freedoms back, yo!

If you are here to learn, you are awesome and will continue to be awesome and I will call you 'friend' and be awesome in tandem with you.

If you're a skeptic, I invite you to put your money where your mouth is and do some actual (non-tv) research...

To get you started:

- Economics in one lesson -
- The Philosophy of Liberty -
- Excellent documentary on the Soviet Union/Communism and how they tend to fail teaching kids about it today. Emphasizes the Ukrainian holocaust that most people do not know about: [ame][/ame]
- Why stimulus packages do not work -

I could really keep going because there is so much that you can learn and probably aren't even thinking about when considering your vote for our President. If you're interested in learning, shoot me a PM or friend me on facebook and I will provide you with so much info it'll boggle the mind and then you get to make up your own mind.

If you're here to bash Ron Paul, you probably:

- Don't know what you're talking about because all your "facts" are gotten from TV and the crony-corporate news sources that will die off should Ron Paul actually win.

- Are what I like to call a "believer" and you're set in your ways and not open to learning or expanding your knowledge on anything if it doesn't coincide with your twisted, one sided view of the world. If this is you, go die in a fire.

- Just simply don't have all the facts... in which case, you should probably shut your word hole until you have all the facts so you don't make yourself look like a dumb-shit.

:rock: Ron Paul 2012! :rock:
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I hope he stays in the race a bit longer. It's nice to have at least ONE candidate between the two parties who isn't an interventionalist twat.


^ Yup. The only people who can change shit are the mega rich. Unfortunately they're ruthless mofo's. Even if by some accident crazy Paul gets in there he will either:

A. Do what the wealthy ruthless want. Changing nothing.
B. Get removed one way or the other. Murder if need be.

So it's up to the people. Don't ask me how. No idea.
Exactly. Also if there is a presindent or someone who wanna change the status quo (every country has its things...), there will be always a batallion of other politicians that fight against him...and he becomes a lonely man.
Usually the "real" changements are done by the population (if they really want), not by some millionaire (like Berlusconi in my case...who does everything but something for the country).
It's like here in Italy now....we are in the middle of a big crisis and the government confirmed a big commission for 130 F-35...something like 15 bilions of €...and instead of delete the commission and save lot of money, no one knows why, they confirmed it. And they raises oil, taxes, vat, etc.... to "SAVE" money.
Money, interests and nothing else.
The guy seems o.k. I'm just afraid he can't make a 4 year Presidential term. He's like 104 years old now?:lol: Look at how it ages them!!!


I actually liked the result.
RP ended only slightly behind the other two, but from now the corporate media can't ignore him anymore (well, at least not in the same way he has being 'concealed' from the average, non-internet voter). He's now officially a contender, and a close third means hopefully the efforts of his supporters will continue and grow; even more so than if he would have ended in a comfortable first place. The fight is on!

I was amazed to see his press conference in full on CNN (as opposed to about month and a half ago, where they where doing 1-hour interviews on each candidate, and, when finally it was the turn for Paul, after the first break, out of nowhere they replaced his interview with some cooking recipe segment! :guh: I literally couldn't believe it).

Now however, whilst the other two's dirty laundry may start to show off, more people can learn about the message of personal freedom and the pristine record of RP, and hopefully wake up and talk to others.
It is so important not only for America but to all the world (the 'civilized' western world, anyways). There's a reason why many countries (still) look up to America..
Here's the speech I mentioned (from yesterday):

To the people being pessimistic.. I totally understand why the cynicism but, you don't give up before giving a fight, damn it! ;) And if RP would be assassinated.. well.. at least there's still his son :lol: and others behind him; it is a growing movement. Besides:

Ron Paul embodies the spirit of the USA's founders :rock: here's another very good clip:

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His health care policy is almost so retarded that I didn't think I'd actually found his actual website, but I have. Even worse, the man is a medical doctor himself, yet he doesn't seem to understand that there is a lack of doctors and they are overworked, and absolutely will not be providing free health care to any poor fucker out there.

I can't help but think politics in the US is all about self preservation, there is no compassion for anyone less fortunate.
His health care policy is almost so retarded that I didn't think I'd actually found his actual website, but I have. Even worse, the man is a medical doctor himself, yet he doesn't seem to understand that there is a lack of doctors and they are overworked, and absolutely will not be providing free health care to any poor fucker out there.

I can't help but think politics in the US is all about self preservation, there is no compassion for anyone less fortunate.

In industries with freer markets prices go down due to technological innovation, but because of the corporatist system, this is prevented from happening in health care. He is pro liberty and pro free market which would, in fact, lower health care costs for everyone. How is that retarded?

I think you don't know enough about what you're talking about to dislike him. If you would, please see my previous post here:
In industries with freer markets prices go down due to technological innovation, but because of the corporatist system, this is prevented from happening in health care. He is pro liberty and pro free market which would, in fact, lower health care costs for everyone. How is that retarded?

I see this argument all the time and while I agree with it as a principle, it has yet to work in any serious way when it comes to health care.

I've really grown off RP in the last 6-7 months. All of his more zany, revolutionary policies don't matter because they'll never happen even if he's elected president (which if you're honest with yourself you know most definitely will not happen), and the rest I'm not totally on-board with. It's stuff that sounds great in theory but has never been put into practice in a way that's worked even remotely well if it's ever been tried at all.
...It's stuff that sounds great in theory but has never been put into practice in a way that's worked even remotely well if it's ever been tried at all.

My name is Midget Donkeys and I and the Donkeys for a Better America Association endorse this statement.

We will now resume the regular scheduled flaming of anyone that does not love Ron Paul.
Thank you Jeff.

Matthew, I know Ron Pauls policies, I clearly stated I disagreed with the contents of his own campaign site. Perhaps you should question my opinion and not my research.

IMO there will not be competition for health care. There are not enough highly trained medical professionals. When there is a short supply of something the price is high. Why would they lower their prices when there is no need to?

He specifically states that he expects medical professionals to extend their care to those with no money at all yet provides no explanation as to why anyone would bother.

It's painful to see someone champion idealism in an area so important.
I saw an interview a couple days ago where RP was being asked something among the lines of 'well, what about those who can't afford medical care and get some injure/etc- are we just going to let them lying on the street?'
Of course the quick, politically correct (and humane) reaction one expects is 'well of course not, we're gonna take care of them'.

But therein lies the problem. If you want your government to take care of individuals (in the US and in many other countries, anyways) people who ''can't take care of themselves'' start pouring out from everywhere. And you end up with a lazy country moving to a mislead socialism where more and more, fewer people actually do work/can work, so the fruit of your labor gets distributed among the lazy, the careless, the corrupt, bureaucrats, etc. Which is exactly where you're heading, actually.
Not even that, you people are giving your money away to many other countries other than your own. You are feeding China so much more than anyone is telling you.

I shouldn't worry this much though I guess; my country for instance is doing very well, thanks in part to your government handouts. Democrat or Republican, the spending will go on. It serves the interests of those who are screwing you over.

If someone would be offering me to pay less taxes and keep the money for myself.. It would be a no-brainer for me.
But for some reason, Americans want to keep paying MORE and MORE taxes that don't even benefit them. It is so freaking weird.. I really cannot comprehend that.
ANY other candidate that is not Ron Paul WILL increase your taxes and hand them to their (your?) corporate owners. You can take that to the bank (if you catch my drift).

A private health system is pricier no doubt, but the quality and service is also much better. It shouldn't be much of an issue anyway without a fucked up socialist economy.
Besides, in a private medical practice all the money you pay for actually goes into medicine, instead of feeding the humongous bureaucracy of a socialized medical care system in a massive population case. You're actually paying directly to your doctor, and so he/she will be much more concerned in offering you top medical care, and keeping you as a client.

If you want medicine for almost free though, don't expect it (or demand it) to be any good quality ;)
I saw an interview a couple days ago where RP was being asked something among the lines of 'well, what about those who can't afford medical care and get some injure/etc- are we just going to let them lying on the street?'
Of course the quick, politically correct (and humane) reaction one expects is 'well of course not, we're gonna take care of them'.

And the common sense reaction that would be that it's not good business to let the taxpayers turn ill; it's counterproductive to economic output if your workforce are dying for no reason other than the overly expensive costs of medical care which is exacerbated by companies in collusion to make money off of peoples health or lack thereof.

You get freeloaders in every system but I think its worth helping them with their health as well when you have guys like James Murphy who couldn't afford anti-tumor drugs that wouldn't waste however many months of his life in a haze even though he is a legitimate small business owner that pays taxes.