I saw an interview a couple days ago where RP was being asked something among the lines of 'well, what about those who can't afford medical care and get some injure/etc- are we just going to let them lying on the street?'
Of course the quick, politically correct (and humane) reaction one expects is 'well of course not, we're gonna take care of them'.
But therein lies the problem. If you want your government to take care of individuals (in the US and in many other countries, anyways) people who ''can't take care of themselves'' start pouring out from
everywhere. And you end up with a lazy country moving to a mislead socialism where more and more, fewer people actually do work/can work, so the fruit of your labor gets distributed among the lazy, the careless, the corrupt, bureaucrats, etc. Which is exactly where you're heading, actually.
Not even that, you people are giving your money away to many other countries other than your own. You are feeding China so much more than anyone is telling you.
I shouldn't worry this much though I guess; my country for instance is doing very well, thanks in part to your government handouts. Democrat or Republican, the spending
will go on. It serves the interests of those who are screwing you over.
If someone would be offering me to pay
less taxes and keep the money for myself.. It would be a no-brainer for me.
But for some reason, Americans want to keep paying MORE and MORE taxes that don't even benefit them. It is
so freaking weird.. I really cannot comprehend that.
ANY other candidate that is not Ron Paul WILL increase your taxes and hand them to their (your?) corporate owners. You can take that to the bank (if you catch my drift).
A private health system is pricier no doubt, but the quality and service is also much better. It shouldn't be much of an issue anyway without a fucked up socialist economy.
Besides, in a private medical practice
all the money you pay for actually goes into medicine, instead of feeding the humongous bureaucracy of a socialized medical care system in a massive population case. You're actually paying directly to your doctor, and so he/she will be much more concerned in offering you top medical care, and keeping you as a client.
If you want medicine for almost free though, don't expect it (or demand it) to be any good quality