The "Say something nice" thread

TinMan666 said:
me neither apparently :(

we'll have to start more flame wars and "dayum" type topics ;)

Sounds like a plan :) But then again I've always been the quiet one in the corner who never getse noticed :cool:
How could you possibly forget ME!!

How unusual that I didn't leave an impression on your largew elephant like memory Spiff my good man...most people that know me remember me the first time...
Now, that list...

Blitzkrieg - Needs to buy or steal more good music, apprently:OMG:

Sydo - Ahh Sydo, what to say..

Spruce Goose - PROG :headbang:

Wrathchild - The writer's Dr Who fan (we can't all be saved)

Goreripper - :worship:

JonBonJovi - Seems like a good one, shame your a Bon Jovi fan mate :p

Spiff - Who??:mad:

Celestial_Todd - Noisy Bastard

KoichCPA - More annoying than a horny Mexican dog on speed :kickass:

Winmar - WINNY, get a fucking beer up ya!

Icarus - Salt and pepper art is the shit, remember that :danceboy:

Kem - :wave:
ceydn - You should come to Brisbane and learn how to drink beer properly kid

phlogiston - Cool Bloke

Shannow - Keep up the fight, they'll catch on eventually

Trixxi Trash - Glam...what's so good about it anyway?

Haupassia - How's shit oh great disappearing one?

Danallica - New Kid

Southy - Fat ugly bastard, nice tatt work I hear

Cooperman - I wonder if NASA love him like we did (Did we)

TinMan666 - A good bouncer
heh, i feel like Newstead when he joined metallica, jason Newkid haha
Blitzkrieg - Helps some escape the cruel night
Sydo - Peruser of contemporary derivative fiction
Spruce Goose - He's spruce, but he ain't no goose
Wrathchild - His mother is a queen
Goreripper - Sterling young fellow
JonBonJovi - The rockingest mum ever!
Spiff - Lord of this Board
Celestial_Todd - Keeper of the beat
KoichCPA - Angry young man. But in a good way
Winmar - Eloquent man of the world
Icarus - a lofty lad
Kem - Savvy and sweet
ceydn - The Amazer!
phlogiston - His flame burns bright
Shannow - He has the power
Trixxi Trash - Rocks n rolls all night, parties every day
Haupassia - The voice from the tropics
Danallica - Great expectations, everybody's watching you
Southy - an eternal champion
Cooperman - has the best job of anyone here
TinMan666 - stronger than steel
Blitzkrieg - good fella!
Sydo - carpenter extraordinaire!
Spruce Goose - one of the best prog fans there is
Wrathchild - has great taste
Goreripper - knows more about metal than Michael Jackon does about beer
JonBonJovi - coolest mum I know
Spiff - like Marlon Brando, only with better taste in music
Celestial_Todd - out and about and living life, so thumbs up!
KoichCPA - good for a laugh
Winmar - bit of a wanker really
Icarus - likes lots of good shit! And has great shoes!
Kem - a chick that likes beer!
ceydn - rocks my world
phlogiston - smarter than the average bear
Shannow - has awesome chain mail
Trixxi Trash - sets a rocking standard so high I can't compete
Haupassia - nice to see you back
Danallica - Carcass!
Southy - great man to drink with
Cooperman - great metalhead!
TinMan666 - champ
Blitzkrieg - the nicest bloke I've never met
Sydo - not as evil as I thought
Spruce Goose - a decent taste in music
Wrathchild - can write better than I can play footy
Goreripper - more metal than Tony Abbott
JonBonJovi - more metal than Goreripper
Spiff - surprisingly cute in person
Celestial_Todd - dreamy
KoichCPA - creepy leprechaun
Winmar - Saint (George) and sinner
Icarus - cooler than Kem
Kem - cooler than Icarus
ceydn - the greatest rock star in the history of everything
phlogiston - an enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in cellophane
Shannow - Lithgow's finest
Trixxi Trash - certifiable rock GOD
Haupassia - good at heart
Danallica - a sweety
Southy - tough as steel
Cooperman - the smartest person here by a fair bit
TinMan666 - tough as tin (man)
Salty - eek, I forgot Salty AND NOBODY PICKED UP ON IT! Because he's such a top bloke, I'm sure
When was the last time you posted here, Tim?

I didn't include Mark or Dreamwatch, either - they haven't posted at all this year, I don't think. And I didn't include Spawn because... well.
Blitzkrieg - Blitzes us all
Sydo - Cool Bloke
Spruce Goose - Up there with the best of them
Wrathchild - has great taste
Goreripper - bit of an all right bloke
Spiff - brings life back to the forum
Celestial_Todd - like a teddy bear
KoichCPA - his like a little brother I always wanted
Winmar - a gentleman and a scholar
Icarus - has wings of fire
Lord Tim - smart,cool,no one can wear jeans like him
Kem - go chick power
ceydn - Always makes me laugh
phlogiston - Top dude
Shannow - Must be cool if his daughter at 2 could sing Rob Zombie in KMart
Trixxi Trash - only person I know who is more glam than I so must be cool
Haupassia - been a while but always great to see around the board
Danallica - Can back up his arguments with great insight
Southy - every kid should have cool dad like him
Cooperman - brainy cool and loves a beer or two
TinMan666 - shows a tin man can have a heart