The "Say something nice" thread

Blitzkrieg - Cool guy. Odd at times
Sydo - He's cool cause he likes Dryad of the Woods :rock:
Spruce Goose - Is me.
Wrathchild - Pretty smart... i think
Goreripper - After all this time.. haven't really figured his name out yet
JonBonJovi - Pretty sure she's a Bon Jovi fan. Ritchie too?
Spiff - Sexy, cute and popular to boot
Celestial_Todd - Can drum apparently
KoichCPA - reliable
Winmar - Winny the Pooh Cooper.
Icarus - Icky..... like gross
Kem - Seems nice
ceydn - Dreamt about leopard print when he was still a wad of cum in his dad's balls. Shits his pant's way too much
phlogiston - Always reminds me of the beef floggin off joke.
Shannow - Is your name shannon?
Trixxi Trash - Dreamt about Ceydn in leopard print when he was still a wad of cum in his dad's balls.
Haupassia - See Goreripper
Danallica - His name's dan, and he likes metallica. Probably.
Southy - Uptown Girl
Cooperman - I like his hats
TinMan666 - His avatar is scaring me
Salty - This dude can draw. Would be handy in the old west.
Terry - :lol:
Blitzkrieg said:
When you decide you don't like what Maiden are doing now, it is better to disappear than to keep bagging them out. It gets old.

Since when has this place had anything to do with Maiden, really.
They get mentioned from time to time... but majority of discussion is about silly things.... like poo.
Blitzkrieg said:
When you decide you don't like what Maiden are doing now, it is better to disappear than to keep bagging them out. It gets old.

Mark can be a very big supporter of Maiden. As much as he hated Dance of Death, he was gobsmacked after seeing them in London on that tour. And as soon as Maiden announced their UK tour, he was on the phone to me asking me if I wanted to fly over and see them. And when they announced a second gig in London, I was on to him asking if he wanted to go to that one.

He loves Maiden, but he has every right to say if they don't live up to the standards they've set themselves over the years.
But did we get any of those positive comments? No, we get every second post paying out on the band, and then nothing.

I agree people are entitled to their opinions, but as I said, that negativity gets real old real fast. Fans are meant to be supportive, not sit behind a keyboard and bitch.

While I respect peoples opinions, I do struggle to understand how a Maiden fan can say that Dance Of Death is utter crap, because it isn't.
A Maiden fan doesn't have to like everything the band does, Blitzy. I'm a huge Rush fan but there's plenty of their stuff I don't like. I'm a Bruce Springsteen fan, but I find some of his songs unbearable. And I'm a Maiden fan, yet I don't care for quite a few of their songs.

I'm sick to death of this "fans shouldn't criticise the band" thing. It's pathetic. Maybe it's OK for fanboys like you who think they can do no wrong, but not me, and not plenty of other people around. I've invested enough time and money into this band to be able to pick and choose when I say they're good and when I say they're not.
My point stands from earlier, inasmuch as some people who didn't like DoD seem to really like the new album, yet from what I've heard of it, it's more generic than ever. I'd be interested to see what Mark thinks of it, considering how negative he was about Dance of Death.
Hello :D

I was told I was being spoken of, so I thought I'd stick my head in and say hello :)

Yes I was negative about DoD - because I thought it was utter shit. I still do. However, I loved Death on the Road (CD and DVD), and the show I saw in London was brilliant. I still don't like DoD, because the recording is woeful.

Benjamin Breeg sounds ok, although it's a bit plodding in the beginning. :lol:

I don't think I'm negative about Maiden beyond what they deserve - I'm even doing again (irregularly) and have made many positive comments. However, I will stand by my comments in the past. Seeing the Maiden operation from the inside maybe disillusioned me a little, but oh well :) I'm still a fan, I still buy the albums.

So, uhh... that's it really.

Like many fans of anything you care to mention, I criticise because I care :). I enjoyed DoD more than most and I still listen to it regularly, but that doesn't stop me thinking that it has too many filler tracks, horrid production (Bruce is so far down in the mix you can hardly hear him) and more than its fair share of cringeworthy lyrics. I can't stand Wildest Dreams or Paschendale, but I like the title song and Age Of Innocence. Do I think Maiden's capable of better? Yes. Does that make me any less of a fan? No. Do these opinions matter to anyone but me? No.

To offer another example, I've followed KISS for longer than some of you have been alive. I didn't agree with the reunion at all and I reserve the right to bitch and moan about the direction they've taken for the last ten years until I'm blue in the face. None of that means I love the band any less, but no-one ever said I had to support every decision they make.

I never said anything about fanboys or fans not meant to criticise or anything...I just said, it was getting to the point where the negativity was too much. It was beyong saying "this new album isn't very good" was at the point where the band would be bagged out constantly, at any opportunity.

It just seems that people find it far easier to be negative nowadays, and it shits me.