The "Say something nice" thread

JonBonJovi said:
I don't think he has internet at home anymore!

Xena , yes thats true Ralphe told me he usually uses the internet Cafe near central railway station ....there's proabably a few hundred around there I guess not that I would know......
Spiff said:
Blitzy. I'm a huge Rush fan but there's plenty of their stuff I don't like.

just out of curiousity Spiff what Rush albums in particular are you not fond off? Personally for me I think their best stuff is from Permanent Waves to Test For Echo.
It's mostly their 80s stuff. I like some of it, but there's too much filler for my liking. And Presto is a bit dull. Everything from Counterparts onwards is tops though.

Can't really fault their 70s stuff either.
fair enough. Although I would rate Presto as one of my personal favourites - especially for the track 'The Pass' which is pure genius.
my brothers mate bought R:30 for him when he was in Canada. R:30 is great but I think Rush In Rio has a better tracklisting.