The SSJ4SephirothX POLL


  • Yeah is pissing me off. You got reason loWildChild

    Votes: 11 37.9%
  • No. Its OK

    Votes: 18 62.1%

  • Total voters


Haistakaapa vittu!
Nov 23, 2001
How many of you are getting mad cause the 100% of the threads created by SSJ4SephirothX are A FUCKIN' SHIT that does not have relation with COB. I mean threads like " How earthquakes are started....", "Fucking Priceless........" and shit...
Why don't you not be an asshole for once? Shit, I see threads all the fucking time created by people that have no relation to CoB and do you bitch? No. I think that you need to have more respect for people. I personally think that you don't like me for some reason. If you have a problem with me, tell me why, or you can simply fly to the U.S. and we can settle it. If every topic was about CoB, there wouldn't be much to talk about. You have to keep shit interesting, and lighten up dude. Stress will cause an early death.

NP: In Flames - Brush the Dust Away
Thank you HP. lo, you have to understand the fact if everyone was to only post CoB related threads, there wouldn't be a lot to talk about. I'm not saying CoB is boring or anything, I'm simply saying that only so much can be discussed on one individual topic.

NP: In Flames - Pinball Map


but seriously.. we should make a single thread for all those stupid URLs..
Cool poll! Actually I don't care about all this off topic threads (which are not only created by SSJ4SephirothX by the way). I don't read them because they don't interest me at all. I'm here only to talk about COB and I really don't care about an internet forum community where I can talk with people about other things I want. I have friends in my real life to talk about "normal" things.

In conclusion it wouldn't be bad if there would be a sub-forum in the COB messageboard for off topics. So everybody would be happy, even people who come here only because of the community and not being COB fans.
the random link and random picture threads are a good idea... it's somewhat nagging to rythmically see a new offtopic thread everyday :-/
no offense Seph, but we've had a lot more offtopic threads than topic ones lately
I don't mind at all. Besides, there has to be a few bad threads so that we'll know which are the good ones. And I don't think that SSJ's threads are so bad. :)
Well thanks to all that are actually sticking up for me, I really appreciate.

@EFF Don't worry, no offense taken. It's understandable.

You guys will notice that I created the Random Links and Random Picture threads where all of the bullshit can go to make everyone happy.

NP: Children of Bodom - Towards Dead End
Another thing lo, you could of PMed me in a cordial fashion and asked me to do whatever, rather than making some childish poll and trying to make me look like a complete idiot. I don't mean to be disrespectful to you in any way, but this is something a 7th grader would do.

NP: Children of Bodom - Black Widow
Well, I guess he just wanted to see if the other people here think like him. If 100% would say that all the off topics are ok, then he would shut up and accept it.

actually I think he's one very nice dude and I agree with him, this is an asshole thread.

the day I come here and only see threads about how Henkka is cute, or if Laiho and Kim divorced or just plain "wow COB rocks", that will be my last day here.

fuck the boring fanboys.

let's have some fun around here.

SHOE for you

dawnghost said:
SHOE for you


This thread does not deserve that. :(

actually, if you wan't to talk about COB, create a COB related topic, god damnit!
This is what i find so cool about this board... Everyone is newbie-friendly, and we kinda created a community here. So most of us always visit the forums to talk WITH EACH OTHER mainly, not about COB.
And i think that is fucking cool.

And answering to the thread's question, no, it doesn't bother me at all.
BTW Dragon Ball GT sucks so much.... HAHAHAHA
Dragon Ball rulez. But GT....

And yeah, the best character there was VEGETA.
Just check the awesome number 6 of the dragon ball z2 comics (when Vegeta becomes Super Saya for the first time and kills N19.... AWESOME)