The Top 5 List Thread

Top 5 quotable UM moments:

  1. Sleeptasticles
  2. Interchangeability of discern
  3. Homogenous Suite
  4. Blackmetaltyrant is cargo
  5. How to appreciate death metal: don't be a fucking faggot
2. Was actually 'interchangeability of thought occurs through the experience of listening thus formulating a change of discern'.

You have to understand the considerations and so forth.
Top 5 masturbation sessions over the last 24 hours (time recorded being the approximate moment of climax based on internet browsing history and memory):

5. 7:00 PM, 8/14
4. 12:31 AM, 8/14
3. 12:34 AM, 8/15
2. 8:50 PM, 8/14
1. 1:21PM, 8/14
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Top five random trivia facts I've learned from game night today:

-Justin Timberlake took Aaliyah's spot on star search
- Botox became popular in the 90s
- The slogan for Captain underpants "truth, justice and all that is shrunken and cottony"
- Mario was more popular than bugs bunny and Mickey Mouse.
- the significance of Palm Pilots
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Your schtick basically boils down to "LOL I TROL U", and you seem to think it's so clever and that you really do make people mad; when in actuality I imagine most of us just kind of give a tired laugh from behind our screens. The kind of laugh as if to say "lol. This guy again."