The Top 5 List Thread

Your schtick basically boils down to "LOL I TROL U", and you seem to think it's so clever and that you really do make people mad; when in actuality I imagine most of us just kind of give a tired laugh from behind our screens. The kind of laugh as if to say "lol. This guy again."

Calmer than you are

top 5 fav UM threads

1. Controversial opinions on metal
4. Albums currently kicking your ass

You're welcome for those. Still going strong after all these years.
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I'd be fine with this if we'd still need the word in the name or it won't be any sort of cohesion at all just randomness. Also extreme progressive should be included.
We don't need the word with the themed mixtape game, but it's still pretty cohesive. And yeah, I'm fine with extreme progressive music being included.
I'd love to hear less trad shit in the themed mixtape game but another game exluding trad would be silly.

Obviously not since you felt the need to defend yourself. Lmfao.

Top 5 moments people on UM get butthurt:

1-5: When you don't agree with their opinion

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