The Top 5 List Thread

It's not so much about excluding a particular genre as being more about extreme music (which is what I initially mistook the extreme mixtape game for).
Well you could try starting an extreme metal only game I guess. Couldn't get any less action than the compositional one.

Why are the forum's two top trekkies enemies?

If you're going to argue about something, at least argue about Stark Trek.
But if you're going to do that, please do it in the Star Trek thread and spare us your petty back & forth bullshit.
Well you could try starting an extreme metal only game I guess. Couldn't get any less action than the compositional one.

Well I would, but I'm not going to be posting much after Saturday so I'm basically just complaining to be a pain in the arse.

But if you're going to do that, please do it in the Star Trek thread and spare us your petty back & forth bullshit.

Why was I not alerted to the existence of this sooner? Controversial Star Trek opinion: the Ferengi are an offensive Jewish stereotype.
If you don't want to be subjected to the more moderate metal tastes of others, go grab an extreme metal CD off your shelf or go create an extreme metal themed playlist for yourself and listen to it.

The whole point is that you are being forced to hear other people's choices and tastes. You extreme metal people are such whiners.
If you don't want to be subjected to the more moderate metal tastes of others, go grab an extreme metal CD off your shelf or go create an extreme metal themed playlist for yourself and listen to it.

The whole point is that you are being forced to hear other people's choices and tastes. You extreme metal people are such whiners.

It's not that I don't want to be exposed to new music, it's just that I want to be exposed to new music that sounds exactly like what I already like :D.
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Booo, I'm the champion.

At least you got in the top 5, I didn't :(

Extreme would be so much cooler if we got rid of the theme being in the title rule.

Carpe has said that the reason she made it this way is because it takes out factoring the theme accuracy of the normal game from the ratings. In that one, you judge purely on how good the song is. Rather than also factoring in how well it fits or doesn't fit the theme as well.
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A playlist composed of entirely similar music sounds infinitely less interesting than one with more options.

Extreme Metal is a pretty broad spread... might help get trad fans like you more into it, too (after all you did create a thread to that end).

Carpe has said that the reason she made it this way is because it takes out factoring the theme accuracy of the normal game from the ratings. In that one, you judge purely on how good the song is. Rather than also factoring in how well it fits or doesn't fit the theme as well.

Yeah, I hadn't really considered that.
Considering how little the turnout was for Easter I'd suggest a combination, but Halloween may draw a larger crowd regardless.
Cause Halloween is much more fun than Easter, I'd say it'd probably do better. The only question is if we start it the week of Halloween or the day of Halloween.
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