The Top 5 List Thread

Hey, there's a difference, I spark stupid arguments, not stupid concesual circle jerks. And even the arguments I do cause tend to involve one of the village literalists seizing upon some throw away remark and opposing to it such staggeringly original points of view as "music is subjective" or "that's a generalization, not all of [insert genre] is [good/mediocre/bad]".
Hey, there's a difference, I spark stupid arguments, not stupid concesual circle jerks. And even the arguments I do cause tend to involve one of the village literalists seizing upon some throw away remark and opposing to it such staggeringly original points of view as "music is subjective" or "that's a generalization, not all of [insert genre] is [good/mediocre/bad]".

And you continue to feed said literalists when you do it, so circle jerk..
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Man it's good to be drunk again.

Top 5 Yogi Berra quotes:
  1. A nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore.
  2. No one goes there nowadays, it’s too crowded.
  3. The future ain't what it used to be.
  4. It gets late early out here.
  5. When you come to a fork in the road, take it.

I also came up with my own Yogi-ism last night: "Yesterday just wasn't the same, but today is different."
We've finally been getting some Five Guys restaurants over here in England. We're up to about 50 stores now. It's much more expensive then it is the US, though!

For a large burger, medium fries and a drink it's like £13, which is around $17. Don't remember how much it was when I was in Florida 2 years ago but I don't think it was that much.
We've finally been getting some Five Guys restaurants over here in England. We're up to about 50 stores now. It's much more expensive then it is the US, though!

For a large burger, medium fries and a drink it's like £13, which is around $17. Don't remember how much it was when I was in Florida 2 years ago but I don't think it was that much.

Do they fill half the bag with fries though? I've only had it once and it was amazing. I need to go back at some point.
Yeah they do, it's pretty much exactly the same. And you get all the different choices of drinks that are free refills. The cajun fries are so much better than normal ones! Also, fuck you Zerostatic for mentioning it, I want a Five Guys now!
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