The Top 5 List Thread

I haven't listened to the album in a decade and I'd probably like Moonchild more today, but at the time at least I found the vocal delivery in the verses very forced, and speed metal riffing has never been their strong suit. Can I Play With Madness is goofy pop-metal fun.
Chains of Misery is a great song. Almost sounds like a Trouble song circa Manic Frustration, melodic and groovy and it has what may be my favorite Dave Murray solo.

Weekend Warrior is a dumb AC/DC wannabe but that still puts it above a lot of the other garbage on the album. A person listing From Here to Eternity has no room to talk.
From Here to Eternity easily has some of their most embarrassing lyrics and it's just a dumb cock rock forced-single anyways.

Wasted Love is a poor power ballad by a band struggling one last time for radio play.

Fear is the Key is literally AIDS.
Ghost of the Navigator
The Fallen Angel
The Thin Line Between Love and Hate
The Wicker Man
Brave New World

All good-to-excellent songs (title track suffers from chorus repetition but the rest makes up for it). The Fallen Angel has to be one of their most underrated, and has at least a top 5 Maiden chorus if not better.

Dream of Mirrors is pretty shitty though, iirc Blaze Bayley claims he was involved in writing it and a couple other BNW songs without being credited, and I could believe it for what a riffless wonder it is.
Prodigal Son
Genghis Khan
Another Life
Innocent Exile

Everything aside from Twilight Zone and maybe Drifter is at least a 9/10.
The Ides of March is an easy 10/10. Name a better metal intro track.

If I included Wrathchild I would have lumped it with Ides anyways, however.