The Top 5 List Thread

Top 5 posters:

no country for old wainds
Slayed Necros
Serjeant Grumbles

HM: Talos of Atmora, I also always appreciate his posts but what I like about the top 5 is how much focus they put on the music side of discussion and posting (or in no country's case how many games he manages or Serjeant's quirky pun-riddled light-hearted approach to things) as opposed to the shitfest generators like myself. Talos dips in and out of joining in on the nonsense and that's why he's not in the top 5.

I'm trying to be more like you guys.
Top 5 posters:

no country for old wainds
Slayed Necros
Serjeant Grumbles

HM: Talos of Atmora, I also always appreciate his posts but what I like about the top 5 is how much focus they put on the music side of discussion and posting (or in no country's case how many games he manages or Serjeant's quirky pun-riddled light-hearted approach to things) as opposed to the shitfest generators like myself. Talos dips in and out of joining in on the nonsense and that's why he's not in the top 5.

I'm trying to be more like you guys.
now top five shitposters, lets go
top 5 tracks on new Machine Head album

1. Heavy Lies the Crown
2. The shortest one
3. A bit longer one than the shortest one
4. A bit longer one than the one longer than the shortest one
5. A bit longer one than a bit longer one than the one longer than the shortest one
Top 5 occupations I'd like to try:
  1. Monk
  2. Film producer
  3. Field biologist
  4. Private investigator
  5. Investment manager

Top 5 things I'd like to do (or do more of) if I had more time:
  1. University classes
  2. Travel
  3. Try to live off-grid
  4. Political activism
  5. Software development

Top 5 post-college years of my life (2010-2017):
  1. 2012 (hated my job for the first 3 months, and was miserably depressed for the last 2, but the 7 in-between were an epic funemployment odyssey)
  2. 2013 (my most stagnant year ever, but having no responsibilities was great, and I got a few crazy adventures in)
  3. 2017 (#3-5 are mostly ranked by how well-adjusted I was at work, but my best relationship started last year)
  4. 2016
  5. 2015

Top 5 movies seen for the first time this year:
  1. The Imitation Game
  2. Coherence
  3. The Dark Knight
  4. Ex Machina
  5. Moon
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