The Top 5 List Thread

I wasn't really a fan of DK myself until that game.

Top 5 Nintendo 64 games:

1. Perfect Dark
2. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
3. Banjo Kazooie
4. WWF No Mercy (easily my favourite wrestling game.)
5. Donkey Kong 64

HMs for Diddy Kong Racing and Majora's Mask.
is season 3 available anywhere? i forgot about the series after playing season 2 a few years ago. i read Telltale went bankrupt and i couldn't find season 3 on steam.
season 3 and 4 are out i think? 3 is called 'a new frontier' and 4 is called 'the final season'

i'd recommend 'the wolf among us' as another good telltale game if you like TWD.
Interesting choice. This one is generally considered to be one of the weaker Zelda games by gaming communities. I disagree with that as I think it's really good. I haven't played it in years, but I think I remember the first half being really strong, but then it started to lose momentum. Majora's Mask is the Zelda game of choice these days from what I've seen. There was a sudden shift from Ocarina of Time to Majora's Mask. Personally never understood it myself. It's the quirkiest of the Zelda games, so I can see the appeal, but it's not my favourite.


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Interesting choice. This one is generally considered to be one of the weaker Zelda games by gaming communities. I disagree with that as I think it's really good. I haven't played it in years, but I think I remember the first half being really strong, but then it started to lose momentum. Majora's Mask is the Zelda game of choice these days from what I've seen. There was a sudden shift from Ocarina of Time to Majora's Mask. Personally never understood it myself. It's the quirkiest of the Zelda games, so I can see the appeal, but it's not my favourite.
Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask were ruined for me because my brother played the shit out of them when we were growing up. I lost the motivation to try them myself after watching him play through them.

The Zelda games never appealed to me much overall, cause the storyline and aesthetics are so targeted toward young children. Twilight Princess is the only one I played besides the NES ones, and in that case I was just blown away by the size and beauty of the world, especially the Lake Hylia area. It's one of the few games that can make me forget about the mission for a while and just stand around in awe of the environment.
Twilight Princess is the only one I played besides the NES ones, and in that case I was just blown away by the size and beauty of the world, especially the Lake Hylia area. It's one of the few games that can make me forget about the mission for a while and just stand around in awe of the environment.

Breath of the Wild replicated this very well.
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I'd love to try it, but I hate buying consoles

I always buy any new handheld console, I'm a total sucker for that particular style of gaming. Octopath Traveler and Breath of the Wild have made the purchase totally worth it for me so far. I finished Breath of the Wild ages ago and I still play it, last night as a matter of fact I was climbing to the highest slopes I could find and shield-surfing down them lmao.
I’d love to play Breath of the Wild, but I don’t own the console for it!

I wasn’t a big fan of Skyward Sword tbh, but BotW looks amazing. I’m not as big on Wind Waker as most seem to be either, although it’s stil really good.
I've never really played a Zelda game. A tiny bit of A Link to the Past on emulator over a decade ago but that was it.
i felt this way about a lot of nintendo stuff when i was growing up. wasn't til i got older i began to appreciate the superior gameplay and level design of some of their marquee games.
Yeah, I probably overlooked plenty of great N64 games for their child-friendliness (don't blame me for owning a N64 in the first place, it was my dad's idea). Super Mario and Banjo-Kazooie were just too big to ignore.
top 5 From Beale Street to Oblivion (Clutch) tracks:

1. Power Player
2. You Can't Stop Progress
3. The Devil & Me
4. Electric Worry / One Eye Dollar
5. Child of the City