The Top 5 List Thread

Did you ever get into The Brown Hornet?
Hah, my old band used to play gigs with them back in the late nineties. One of the best gigs we ever played was with them at The Espy in the Gershwin room. I fixed Dylan’s internet recently and we did some reminiscing.
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Still playin? I saw your doing some slapping on another live track you guys have uploaded.
Sweet, I'll check that out when I'm not at work. And yeah, I currently play in a couple of groups. One of them is a straight up jazz band, the other is kinda this jazz/hip hop hybrid.

Glad to hear you're still playing man.

Here's a recent gig I played at:
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10 favourite south park eps, off the top of my head:
scott tenorman must die
child abduction is not funny
lil' crime stoppers
casa bonita
good times with weapons
you got F'd in the A
something wall-mart this way comes
die hippie, die
the return of chef

loads of others it was hard to leave out. i haven't seen that many after season 10 or so.
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Top 5 Triptykon songs:
  1. Aurorae
  2. In Shrouds Decayed
  3. Goetia
  4. Breathing
  5. Abyss Within My Soul

When I first heard Triptykon I thought it was such an inferior rehash of Celtic Frost's Monotheist that it wasn't worth my time, but eventually I fell in love with the sound and began craving more and more. I could use recommendations of similar stuff if anyone has them.
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5 unusual things I've seen in person:

- Steve Irwin feeding crocodiles (think they said they only feed them once a month or something like that)

- A waitress bend over double to sneeze on the restaurant floor

- A motel bathroom with the floor completely coated in hair when I checked in

- A tornado heading towards me

- A live view of my own heart operation in progress on a screen beside me. I got a septal occluder put in so I literally have metal in my heart.
5 unusual things I've seen in person

- in a hospital room, a woman on a bed next to mine claimed she couldn't take a shit for 3 weeks and was waiting for surgery in the morning. At 3AM, it happened. there was shit everywhere

- A castle built 20 years ago in the middle of nowhere (Bulgaria, to be precise)

- in an asian restaurant, a friend was served food, slices of duck with rice. then after a minute the waiter came back to our table with one more piece of duck in his hand and added it onto his plate.

- when I was working as a receptionist in a residential building, a drunk homosexual came to the reception only in his underpants

- a small dog falling from second floor, then having spasms on the ground and dying, his owner then loading the corpse in a Porsche and driving off
5 unusual things:
  • The house of an artist where I rented a room for a few weeks in Austin. 18x6-foot shag sofa. An iguana riding a tortoise around in the back yard. Antiques and curios everywhere.
  • George W. Bush, during his presidency, at a play my grandparents took me to near DC (one of his nieces was acting in the play). He and his family arrived right before the show, after everyone else. Most of the room stood up while they took their seats.
  • The 2017 solar eclipse. My brother and I drove to South Carolina to be in the path of totality.
  • On a highway, saw a bird fly in front of a car ahead of me and explode in a cloud of feathers.
  • Lying in bed with an ex-girlfriend while she was asleep, I saw her face transform into a skull for a few seconds. I was sober.