The Top 5 List Thread

Yeeaa both but yeah, red IPA is really not my style. What do you think about vienna lagers though?

I am not overly familiar with that style but I don't really drink lager of any description. I might be more inclined if I lived in central/eastern Europe and could get some decent ones fresh off the tap but I'd always lean towards an IPA or weissbier instead.
top 5 tracks off the new Cattle Decapitation record, Death Atlas

1. The Geocide
2. Bring Back the Plague
3. Time's Cruel Curtain
4. Death Atlas
5. Finish Them
You really like that album.

It's not my favourite of theirs whatsoever; I'm just giving it several spins since it's new. by no means is it superior to The Anthropocene Extinction or Monolith of Inhumanity. It's third in my pecking order I'd say. Have you checked it out yet?
I never got big into the band honestly, but I've checked out their new album and it has some interesting parts for sure. Every now and then I throw on Human Jerky but that's about it.
I never got big into the band honestly, but I've checked out their new album and it has some interesting parts for sure. Every now and then I throw on Human Jerky but that's about it.

Dont you like the style shift their embraced from The Harvest Floor onwards? The zombie "clean" vocals, more melodic riffs, etc.
Dont you like the style shift their embraced from The Harvest Floor onwards? The zombie "clean" vocals, more melodic riffs, etc.

Not really, they were never really a straight up grind band in the old days but I still much prefer that stuff. I even owned a Humanure shirt back in the day lol.
Not really, they were never really a straight up grind band in the old days but I still much prefer that stuff. I even owned a Humanure shirt back in the day lol.

I really enjoy To Serve Man and Humanure, but the shit from The Harvest Floor is what really gets me going. I simply love it. However, they put too much "clean" vox on the new album, which is just overkill. They are great in their own right, but they shouldn't overuse this feature to maximum extent.
When Karma.Bloody.Karma dropped I started to lose interest, the grindcore aggression was slowly being swapped out for something else, so by the time The Harvest Floor came out I was pretty much done with the band. I do remember being impressed by the drumming and still think it's the standout performance to this day on the album, David McGraw is a beast.

The vocals were never the band's strong suit for me though, with or without the cleans they kinda suck balls. He sounded better when he just went for straight up gore.
5 favourite releases of this decade:

1. Neoandertals - Ebu Gogo Gutting the Child
2. Artificial Brain - Infrared Horizon
3. Voïvod - Post Society
4. Mordeth - The Unknown Knows
5. Droid - Terrestrial Mutations
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Favourite metal demos:

1. Ferocity - Puzzled Into Various Spaces
2. Vader - Morbid Reich
3. Inertial Mass - Guest for Autopsy
4. Nefas - He Was Born
5. Embrionic Death - Stream of Solidarity

HM: Demilich - The Echo
So, the other night a friend poses me the question: The 5 Greatest Works of Art of All Time?

I found myself struggling... how do you begin to answer that question? What defines 'greatest' - its cultural importance, its genius, or its contribution to humanity? Or simply my 5 favourites - in which case I don't think I'd be pretentious enough to assert they are the 'greatest'. And where to even begin? I can't even choose a favourite book, let alone consider all the other artistic mediums.

Thoughts, people? For the record, this question includes any form of art - novel, play, poem, song, album, composition, painting, sculpture, movie, TV show, etc.
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