The truth about Dragonforce

Well they are free to think what they want just like we can too. I'm going to be honest with you I really don't think we need them , why? beacause they will probably corrupt our scene and music at the end of the road but again that is just my opinion. But I will give it to you that was a really nice Dr. Phill type of speech. OUR scene is fine just like it is that is all i have to say and by the way nothing personal with you(Pellaz) so take care and keep it metal would ya!:headbang: :headbang: :kickass:

You are quite mistaken. You may think WE don't need THEM. But the bands WE love and support may think otherwise on this topic, especially since THEY represent purchasing power in the form of CD's, t-shirts, concert tickets, etc., just as much as we do. I would love to know that the guys from "INSERT UNDER-APPRECIATED BAND NAME" are turning some profits from all their hard work.

And you say OUR scene is fine? It's not a tangible thing that we can take ownership of, and it's certainly not exclusive only to those deemed worthy of being involved. The music is put out there for everyone to enjoy. There are still plenty of bands that can't do successful tours over here for financial reasons, and yet perhaps with additional support coming from these other, newer fans, they could. The only way I can see the "scene" suffering from more exposure to new fans would be if the bands allowed it to compromise their music.
You are quite mistaken. You may think WE don't need THEM. But the bands WE love and support may think otherwise on this topic, especially since THEY represent purchasing power in the form of CD's, t-shirts, concert tickets, etc., just as much as we do. I would love to know that the guys from "INSERT UNDER-APPRECIATED BAND NAME" are turning some profits from all their hard work.

And you say OUR scene is fine? It's not a tangible thing that we can take ownership of, and it's certainly not exclusive only to those deemed worthy of being involved. The music is put out there for everyone to enjoy. There are still plenty of bands that can't do successful tours over here for financial reasons, and yet perhaps with additional support coming from these other, newer fans, they could. The only way I can see the "scene" suffering from more exposure to new fans would be if the bands allowed it to compromise their music.

Agreed. Musicians deserve to eat as well as anyone else. In addition "OUR" scene will grow old and die without new and younger fans. I have no problem watching a band alongside some kid in baggy pants with spiky hair, and pierced eyebrows. I'd like to think Metal will out live me.
this thread has gone far too far

it even resulted in the creation of an account, jesus.

He asked. I just stated my view regarding why I thought its in the metal community that you have a lose lose scenario for the musicians. Ones way of thinking, or philosophy has something to do with it, whether we like it or not. Either we're originally scum and it becomes acceptable to treat others that way, leading to my statements about it being an unfortunate mess for musicians, or were special creations, and worthy of respect, care, and love.

I think the latter is justifiable and good, especially in the interests of the musicians, or anyone for that matter, but the latter is unjustifiable, wrong, and really sucks for musicians or anyone else for that matter. Creationism isn't something I necessarily argued for either. Aquinas'/Aristotle's argument allows for there to be an eternal universe (which Aquinas disagreed with as do I), yet requiring a God to cause it to continue it in being, no matter how long its been around.

Besides man I'd like to know where musicians are coming from philosophically, because it lets me have an understanding of them as people, and how or why their music and lyrics came out a certain way. You may find that stupid, or what not, but I find it interesting and important. You're entitled to your opinion though, and I do value your input even if you don't agree with me. A toast to you. Cheers. Mmmmm Dasani good.
You are quite mistaken. You may think WE don't need THEM. But the bands WE love and support may think otherwise on this topic, especially since THEY represent purchasing power in the form of CD's, t-shirts, concert tickets, etc., just as much as we do. I would love to know that the guys from "INSERT UNDER-APPRECIATED BAND NAME" are turning some profits from all their hard work.

And you say OUR scene is fine? It's not a tangible thing that we can take ownership of, and it's certainly not exclusive only to those deemed worthy of being involved. The music is put out there for everyone to enjoy. There are still plenty of bands that can't do successful tours over here for financial reasons, and yet perhaps with additional support coming from these other, newer fans, they could. The only way I can see the "scene" suffering from more exposure to new fans would be if the bands allowed it to compromise their music.

This scene will shrivel up and die without new blood coming into it. Perhaps instead of turning off emo kids, teens, or what not to prog/power metal, maybe we should introduce them to some good music and see if their musical taste buds change to liking meatier more nutritious music, instead of the fast food they're used to? We ALL had to START learning about metal at some point no? Maybe they're just late to it...and in time perhaps they will eventually pull their pants up, and stop whining?:) Haha. Just kidding.
He asked. I just stated my view regarding why I thought its in the metal community that you have a lose lose scenario for the musicians. Ones way of thinking, or philosophy has something to do with it, whether we like it or not. Either we're originally scum and it becomes acceptable to treat others that way, leading to my statements about it being an unfortunate mess for musicians, or were special creations, and worthy of respect, care, and love.

I think the latter is justifiable and good, especially in the interests of the musicians, or anyone for that matter, but the latter is unjustifiable, wrong, and really sucks for musicians or anyone else for that matter. Creationism isn't something I necessarily argued for either. Aquinas'/Aristotle's argument allows for there to be an eternal universe (which Aquinas disagreed with as do I), yet requiring a God to cause it to continue it in being, no matter how long its been around.

Besides man I'd like to know where musicians are coming from philosophically, because it lets me have an understanding of them as people, and how or why their music and lyrics came out a certain way. You may find that stupid, or what not, but I find it interesting and important. You're entitled to your opinion though, and I do value your input even if you don't agree with me. A toast to you. Cheers. Mmmmm Dasani good.


i was just really referring to how much this thread dove off from the original intent.

i wasnt really insulting anyone (including you) or anything.

so dont take it too personal haha