The truth about Dragonforce

I think we are forgetting something: Outside of our circle, nobody knows who the heck Blind Guardian, Edguy, Sonata, and other bands of the like. Even a band like Dream Theater cannot get arrested in this country nowadays, despite their glorious history. That is why promoters are going to look at BG and the like as "Who the fuck are they?". If these bands realize that it would be better long-term, they would jump on the DF coatail, and ride it for what its worth.

Ray C.
I think we are forgetting something: Outside of our circle, nobody knows who the heck Blind Guardian, Edguy, Sonata, and other bands of the like. Even a band like Dream Theater cannot get arrested in this country nowadays, despite their glorious history. That is why promoters are going to look at BG and the like as "Who the fuck are they?". If these bands realize that it would be better long-term, they would jump on the DF coatail, and ride it for what its worth.

Ray C.

You'd be surprised.
The truth about Dragonforce is that they're a perfectly good band which will have people who like them and people who don't, but are and will be facing a pretty good backlash now that they're getting more exposure.

Metal bands are in a can't win situation. Most people wish metal got more exposure. Then when a band like Dragonforce that doesn't fit the current MTV cookie cutter mold DOES get exposure, more and more people start coming out to state their dislike of the band to ensure they're not associated with anything that could be called popular.

What I hope is that with their upcoming tour with Killswitch Engage and Chimera (in which Dragonforce really is the oddball), more people use their exposure to Dragonforce to check out more traditional power metal bands.

Dragonforce is a fun band with energetic music and good sing-along choruses. They're not the second coming of Iron Maiden, and will not spawn any new subgenres, but they do just fine at what they like to.


While every band will have some who love them some who hate them, I agree with what you're saying. I like Dragonforce based on the sample of songs I've heard from them. I find the metal crowd can be quite contradictory, barbaric, and senseless in its responses, which I would think would be something counter productive to the very music/scene they seem to embrace and love; this happens I find in accord with however/wherever much its influenced by an atheistic mentality. Reminds me of when someone in the metal world will state that the metal scene seems to think that being a non decent rude person is a good thing, only to then have people from the metal scene demonstrate thats not true by rudely calling him an ass#$%^, a moron, Fu*$ Face, or what not. Whether or not there will be displays of rudeness in response to this post, its too bad I won't know about any of them, as the settings on my profile don't seem to allow me to get notifications of replies even though its checked. That's just too bad huh. If you so choose to not be rude then cool beans, and please show some appreciation for SOMEONE in the metal world doing good and getting some exposure like Dragonforce. If we demonstrate that anyone who does TOO WELL without compromising will be a target for our spewing of hatred and rejection..I don't see why anyone would want to continue or even start producing music they know they will get no where with.
I love posts like these. They explore my kind of music theory.

I like Dragonforce based on the sample of songs I've heard from them.

Do you think "samples of songs" gives you any real basis to form an opinion? Beyond general style of the band, I mean.

A I find the metal crowd can be quite contradictory, barbaric, and senseless in its responses, B which I would think would be something counter productive to the very music/scene they seem to embrace and love[/b]

Explain in more detail the relationship between A and B as you see it, please.

this happens I find in accord with however/wherever much its influenced by an atheistic mentality.

Oh come on. You need to explain this in far more detail, as the correlation excites me. I want to agree with it. Convince me.

Reminds me of A when someone in the metal world will state that the metal scene seems to think that being a non decent rude person is a good thing, B only to then have people from the metal scene demonstrate thats not true by rudely calling him an ass#$%^, a moron, Fu*$ Face, or what not.

If someone states A and then gets taken aback by B, they're at best a hypocrite, at worst a moron. I would think most people who claim belief A would roll point B off their backs and consider it completely normal behavior.

Whether or not there will be displays of rudeness in response to this post, its too bad I won't know about any of them, as the settings on my profile don't seem to allow me to get notifications of replies even though its checked. That's just too bad huh.

huh. "I will say my piece and then rudely duck from any further conversation." You found the thread without a notification, you can follow up without one.

If we demonstrate that anyone who does TOO WELL without compromising will be a target for our spewing of hatred and rejection.. I don't see why anyone would want to continue or even start producing music they know they will get no where with.

Where should they expect to go? What exactly do you think music is for?
Well, yeah.....and who could blame them, with the amount of negativity expressed toward them in this thread by prog- and power-metal fans? Y'know....the elite fans who are open-minded about music, yadda yadda yadda. Or so they think.

Some of those 'Hot Topic' scene kids who get into Dragonforce -- and yes, they do sell DF shirts occasionally at Hot Topic -- might just wander down the power metal road, beginning a journey of musical discovery.

It's a pity they'll find the people at the first tollbooth so unwelcoming. I wouldn't blame them for turning around. :erk:

Well they are free to think what they want just like we can too. I'm going to be honest with you I really don't think we need them , why? beacause they will probably corrupt our scene and music at the end of the road but again that is just my opinion. But I will give it to you that was a really nice Dr. Phill type of speech. OUR scene is fine just like it is that is all i have to say and by the way nothing personal with you(Pellaz) so take care and keep it metal would ya!:headbang: :headbang: :kickass:
I've only read the first page... but.......

I have to say I like Dragonforce. But with that... I have to agree with everyone who says their new albums don't really bring much to the table. All of them seem to be about the same thing... same sound.... Rare is it that I can listen to one of their songs and ignore the lyrics (as in just listen to the melody of the voice) and tell you what song it is or what album it comes from. All the vocals seem to be about the same all the time.... And as cool as some of their fast solos seem... Many of them seem kind of repetitive or the same as from other songs I mean.

Also this reminds me of how you can look on the ytmnd site and some of the fads play a solo from one of the songs.. And I remember when a ton of them started using it, a ytmnd page came up that said something like : "HERMAN LI IS GOD!!!!!!!!!" and played one of their solos. And the comments were all like: "HOLY CRAP THAT IS SO AMAZING OMG OMG OMG IT SOUNDS SO GOOD OMG OMG OMG OMG AWSOME LOLOLOOLOLOOL SO FAST!!!11111111" and whatnot....

But I spoke to a friend recently who's been to one of their concerts. I don't know how often this or how true it is... But he said the concert wasn't all that great. He said pretty much after every song there was a really long solo. Like song.. guitar solo for 5 minutes... song... keyboard solo for 10 minutes... song.... drum solo for 7 minutes... etc etc etc. And apparently their other guitar player kept drinking while on the stage and by the end was so drunk that he couldn't even play anymore.. What the Hell?
Well for me Chris Impelliteri broke the speed of light many years ago.. So the speed isn't impressive for me, nor is the lack of melody that I could not find while the elves worked overtime on that dull worn out Strato double bass bit.. Other than that ,I've heard worse. But DF is not for me.. : ) Rock on!!!
While they are not in my top 10, I like and respect Dragonforce. Music is like chemistry. Not everyone will have the same reaction. I like and admire the speed that they can play at.

I like all music across the entire spectrum and what particularly made me like Dragonforce are the high BPMs and the sound that reminds me of late '99-01 Happycore Electronica and late 80s Electronica used in home video game consoles.

With only a few listenings, as one person posting noted there albums may be difficult to differentiate. I have seen them live twice including at their first sold out U.S. headlining stop at the Wiltern in L.A.
The drummer is amazing live, as is the Asian guitar player. They need to get rid of their sound guy who does the live shows as the sound fidelity sounds choppy live. Their fans that made up the bulk of attendants all appeared under 20. After the show they smoked a few frags and chatted with concert goers outside of the venue and I thought highly of them for doing that.

I first heard of them through word of mouth about a year ago. As for the person that posted that we should not swallow what the corporate music industry feeds us (or somewhat to that effect), you're right.... look around, there is soooooo much music out there; both old and new.
im still expecting a massive essay from the teachers union, which will contain info that lowers everyones iq in this thread by at least 75%
I love posts like these. They explore my kind of music theory.


Do you think "samples of songs" gives you any real basis to form an opinion? Beyond general style of the band, I mean.

By sample I mean some or most of the tracks from a particular album. I've seen a bunch of different youtube live songs performed, seen several official music videos from them, and have heard much or most of their album...but I say sample because I have not heard all of their album(s). So I was perhaps understating it, but if anyone took me to task I could always clarify.

Explain in more detail the relationship between A and B as you see it, please.

Ok. I was going from the previous comment made that was talking about how it doesn't matter really where a metal band goes, it's a lose lose situation.

They must be good, or great enough for metal bands to consider worthy to listen to, of course have fantastic production quality, YET if they start to make more money than would afford them to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, they suddenly find the band is over exposed, too popular, where they then become objects of their disdain.

So the bands must be good, but they really can't be because but if they're too good or too known/exposed, which allows them to have more money to use towards their craft/skills, they're bad. So no matter which way they go, whether they're good or bad, they're eventually considered bad anyway..unless of course they just break up like many prog/power metal bands do, have a major split like many prog/power metal bands do, or something dramatic happens like a major band member death happens, which then immortalizes them making them free from accusation for some reason.. In that case, would they be considered the same band, no, and would the dead member be able to reap any benefits from this/her

People are fickle enough, where whoever is well regarded, or popular, and are exposed LONG ENOUGH they will eventually becomes targets..but I think that happens much more quickly in the metal community no matter how virtuous or virtuosic the person may be.

Oh come on. You need to explain this in far more detail, as the correlation excites me. I want to agree with it. Convince me.

Uh ok. You're being nice so why not. I don't know that I'm going to try to convince you of anything, but I'll share with you a bit of my perspective on it as you requested. I find A-theism, Atheism, or what not to be meaningless at best, contradictory at worst. Nevermind the fake A-theistic position that states a negative towards the word pistis or word belief, that is no where to be found in the conjoined words A and theos, (a lack of BELIEF vs a lack of God) to be contrary to the nature of the word a-theos, against its historical usage, and against the definitions given by the proponents, and by major resources regarding philosophy.

The non fake historically accurate atheistic view is attempting to defend an absolute negative, which is impossible, and ends up implying the truth of what they're trying to deny. To clarify for the sake of space, by contradictory I mean its as contradictory as a square circle, a one ended stick, or a married bachelor. Changing being needs a cause, and to just line up one being that needs a cause, and another, and yet another, can only provide beings that NEED causes, but cannot provide a cause for their existence that they need but cant fullfill themselves. Just like in the case of a broke circle of friends, if all of them need money but none have any, no ones going to get any unless they get it from someone beyond their circle who actually does have it and can give it to them. Likewise if all you have are contingent beings that need to receive their existence from another, but there is no non contingent/independant being, that exists necessarily thus has existence in itself, from which they can get their existence from, none of those contingent beings would get any existence either..the only way for them to get it is to receive it from a being that has it in itself already, and doesn't need to receive it from another..but that would be to imply God exists which they don't want to admit.

Besides, with the issue of an absolute negative, stating there is no God implies omniscience which an atheist also doesn't want to admit exists. Ill leave it at that since this isnt the philosophy forum.

If someone states A and then gets taken aback by B, they're at best a hypocrite, at worst a moron. I would think most people who claim belief A would roll point B off their backs and consider it completely normal behavior.

I dont know if I quite understand what you're saying here. Whether they have tough skin has nothing to do with the fact that A is generally true, particularly if they're influenced by views that state they started off as scum/slime, and are not much different than a senseless beast...If one believes they spontaneously evolved from ooze, and are pretty much an animal, I wouldn't expect them to act any different. You don't find that heavily preached in the blues, country, or classical. Being that the case, I don't see how that provides a good motivation for musicians to produce good material or keep on producing good material if:

1) The particular people they make the music for will most likely, sooner than later, hate them and reject them and their music no matter how good it is
2) Will expect them to keep on producing great work with the least amount of people buying their albums
3) Can generally be a nasty group of unappreciative and overly critical group of people to work with or produce for.

I think theres a lot of cool people in the metal community, but generally you have a sentiment that can effect the communities reaction to a band, perhaps by peer pressure or who knows, where that band will become a target sooner in this community of listeners than in any other group of listeners. I think I could have predicted that with Dragonforce as could have any. If they have strong enough stomachs, are disciplined enough, have a tough enough skin to survive their crowds then cool, but that doesn't take away from the facts of what I've to how nonsensical and messed up it is. I think we can be more supportive, more pleasant, and more welcoming of new or old talent that is doing good work, even IF they are popular, but aren't compromising very much. Metal WAS popular in the 80s after all wasn't it?

huh. "I will say my piece and then rudely duck from any further conversation." You found the thread without a notification, you can follow up without one.

True, but sometimes I forget which one or ones I went to, if they don't get visited they go under the radar, end up being on the last page out of hundreds, and when I eventually come back to it and find it, I find that it is I can't respond at that point. I used to be better at doing that but notifications help. I've been doing forums for years (I'm not a teeny bopper anymore), from hostile sites to very hostile ones, to others that are full of relaxed people, and am therefore not trying to duck anything.

Where should they expect to go? What exactly do you think music is for?

All I'm saying is that the music business is tough enough, but in regards to our community, it may not necessarily be harder to get into than others, but I think its much harder to remain in it than others may be, without a strong grounding in what is unchangeable, to secure them under the pressure that comes at them from all sides. One wonders why else many escape with drugs and other substance abuses, without that grounding.

I don't necessarily see how the following question is related but I guess I can answer it. While many may hold that music is for a sort of getting out ones feelings/kinda like an emotional vomit for the masses, while it is expression, I don't think its mainly or only that. Without going into detail, I would contend that music is art in that it is the producing of order external to the mind. There are many purposes one could use it for, the grandest purpose one has for it will define or shape the way they see its usage for other means. Ill leave it at that. Hope that clarifies something a bit more.
I will admit I like Dragonforce, it's fun to listen to them every now and then. However, I must admit that my admiration and respect for the band has gone downhill big time, especially after they scored it big. And one may think this is solely because they got big and popular. Well, that's kinda wrong. Yeap, I do hate the fact that 12 year old kids are listening to Dragonforce and calling them the kings of metal (without knowing any other metal bands besides Atreyu)... However, the band developed such an ego that I can't stand them anymore... (And I say this by personal experience, for dealing with the band other than meeting them once as a fan)... Sad, but I do hope they get forgotten sooner than later....

See, I don't know the drama or behind the scenes in many of these bands, as unlike some, I have not been to brazil or japan where these scenes are big or well received and cherished.

Maybe if I met them and they were jockey jerks, or what not, maybe that would have impacted my feelings towards them..but I try to keep them separate.

I think Dragonforce is playing in Atlantic City. I hope I have my car fixed by then and have enough dough. I may go and see them live. I REALLY LIKE the venue at BB Kings there. Very nice. I can hit them in the day time, then come back to my 3d Animation class at night.
I don't enjoy degrading the way you write, but I don't enjoy having to look at it either, and I think you'll find many people on this board feel the same way, spoken out or no. This board isn't patrolled by 'English teachers', but consider the fact that likely, this is the ONLY way we'll really know you, and if you type like a tard... well.. how do you think we're going to think of you?


This is the kind of uninformed additude I despise. There's no musical basis for not liking the band, it's simply an "OMG POPULARITY KILL THEM" statement. Why do people feel this way? Does being some kind of sickening avant-garde ignorant make you feel good about yourself? I don't mean this to you, specifically, Revolt, just everyone who expresses this opinion. Why is it you hate them simply based on who listens to them?

I've done my fair share of Dragonforce bashing, but it's never been directed at the band themselves. I cringe when I hear younger kids with emo haircuts and black lipstick talking about / wearing dragonforce apparel. I've mocked them excessively. But I've never quite put the band down for it. It's not THEIR fault their crowd is .. lets say.. new to the scene. I may mock, but I will never take away the fact that the DF guys are good at what they do, and it's not fair to throw around this kind of opinion.

Hahaha. I agree. I find Dragonforce to be fun energetic band. The poser peeps who listen to them is annoying yes, but it may also be how youre expectations are before or during your listening. If your crotchty and uptight about this, you may not like them:) I mean, if youre expecting like a revolutionary Magnum Opus from them, youre going to be let down or just not like them. Theyre good at what they do I think. Its like I got into this debate with one of my friends about the first Spiderman Movie. Hes a movie buff and just went OFF on the movie..I have always been a Spiderman fan, and just an all around comic/movies/scifi/fantasy fan here, but he thought it was horrible film making. I think thats an unwarranted overreation. Spiderman wasnt the best film, with the best acting, but it was good! It was a fun summer movie, and that kind of reaction is just off I think. Dragonforce is fun and light. I havent read their lyrics, as I dont care for most lyrics anyways, but somehow I doubt theyd be filled with stuff that is heavy or thought provoking or anything.
All i'm going to say about Dragonforce is yes they are very good musicians and I'm not going take that away from them and are talented.

I use to like Dragonforce's 1st 2 albums but the latest album is a turn off for me. Now that I listen to the 1st 2 albums more and now I cannot even enjoy those albums anymore.

To me the music doesn't have many emotions as much as I originally though. To me it sounds more and more like a video game. Video Game music isn't bad at all but in Dragonforce's case it's not really doing much for me. Warmen's solo project (which is much like a video game music) is much more entertaining and emotional. oh well different people, different taste's. =p

See this is where my "sample" of their music wouldnt allow me to know this or not. From the songs I have heard they are very similar sounding, so I may have had that impression if I had their albums. It can get annoying when the songs all sound the same.
this thread has gone far too far

it even resulted in the creation of an account, jesus.