The truth about Dragonforce

Go to bed Drew ;)

I like some things about Dragonforce. I hate other things about them. I had a hell of a good time at their live show. They are not my favorite. I will listen to them at times because I flat out enjoy some of their melodies. I do like their lead singer. I like their slower ballads. I like the fast music at times. Fast has energy. The lyrics are fun. This is not a serious band. I prefer Gamma Ray (I think that DF took more from Gamma Ray than Stratovarius). But sometimes I want a fix of DF.

Dragonforce is a band that a lot of metalheads liked, till they started reading forums and found out they weren't supposed to like Dragonforce anymore. While Dragonforce might be "hipster metal", many ex-Dragonforce fans are hipster metalheads.
I really don't know a lot of people out there who say "I liked dragonforce forever man, but then like, they totally got cool and shit and so now I hate them."

I hear a lot more of "I liked dragonforce's first 2 albums, but the 3rd one wasn't so good, and frankly, they're a very repetitive and booring band. I guess I just didn't realise it."

Also, anyone who doesn't like dragonforce because of the popularity explosion, lets face it.. it's hard to like a band when doing so ensures you'll be surrounded by scene kids ;)
When I first heard DragonForce I liked them. However, I quickly lost interest. I own all three albums, and honestly there is no variation between the three. To listen to all three would be like listening to one very long, very boring album of a bunch of musicians playing as fast as they possibly can.

Slow DF down and you've got just another generic power metal band.
For me they just are the biggest piece of overated crap out there :puke: :puke: :puke: thats what i feel to do when I hear their name and music. Their concerts are just a hot topic kids convention :headbang: I dont know how people have the courage to compare them with other bands like helloween or the great stratovarius that is just a shame. Dragonforce can come and play at the basketball court where i leave and i will call the police to get rid of their punk noise making asses!
The truth about Dragonforce is that they're a perfectly good band which will have people who like them and people who don't, but are and will be facing a pretty good backlash now that they're getting more exposure.

Metal bands are in a can't win situation. Most people wish metal got more exposure. Then when a band like Dragonforce that doesn't fit the current MTV cookie cutter mold DOES get exposure, more and more people start coming out to state their dislike of the band to ensure they're not associated with anything that could be called popular.

What I hope is that with their upcoming tour with Killswitch Engage and Chimera (in which Dragonforce really is the oddball), more people use their exposure to Dragonforce to check out more traditional power metal bands.

Dragonforce is a fun band with energetic music and good sing-along choruses. They're not the second coming of Iron Maiden, and will not spawn any new subgenres, but they do just fine at what they like to.


+1 --Quoted For Truth

If one-tenth of the 'Hot Topic' crowd who like Dragonforce get into other contemporary power-metal bands as well, then I'd consider that one little victory.
Curufin and Nailz you two come off as alot bigger idiots than I will ever be. I never knew the board was patrolled by the English Teachers Union. I dont see other people here saying BS like you two. I have never went out of my way to degrade the way somebody writes. Seems as though you two enjoy it.Thanks
Curufin and Nailz you two come off as alot bigger idiots than I will ever be. I never knew the board was patrolled by the English Teachers Union. I dont see other people here saying BS like you two. I have never went out of my way to degrade the way somebody writes. Seems as though you two enjoy it.Thanks

You should either not care (but you responded and got snippy, so you do care), or correct your problem. What can you possibly gain by defending low-quality expression? Validation for laziness?
personally i found the new cd very good and enjoyable, they have alot of amazing licks, and the "tone" of the cd far from sucks regardless if you like the music or not.

i can understand disliking them, but i think one of main reasons people hate them is cause they get alot of exposure.

i think its lame how they tour with some of the bands that they do, like atreyu for example.

i don't see how so many of you can just hate their new cd so much. But it is gay that people that are normally fans of IMO: lame music like atreyu, now are fans of dragonforce but dont know anything about the genres that dragonforce really comes from, part of me would like for the real deserving bands to get the exposure and credit that dragonforce does, but on the other hand, as many other people have mentioned in other threads, i would not like many of the prog and power metal greats to just become "scene" bands.
Jim maybe I should let it bother me but I come on here for knowledge and information. Not to be ridiculed for the way I write or try to express myself.
Curufin and Nailz you two come off as alot bigger idiots than I will ever be. I never knew the board was patrolled by the English Teachers Union. I dont see other people here saying BS like you two. I have never went out of my way to degrade the way somebody writes. Seems as though you two enjoy it.

I don't enjoy degrading the way you write, but I don't enjoy having to look at it either, and I think you'll find many people on this board feel the same way, spoken out or no. This board isn't patrolled by 'English teachers', but consider the fact that likely, this is the ONLY way we'll really know you, and if you type like a tard... well.. how do you think we're going to think of you?


For me they just are the biggest piece of overated crap out there thats what i feel to do when I hear their name and music. Their concerts are just a hot topic kids convention I dont know how people have the courage to compare them with other bands like helloween or the great stratovarius that is just a shame. Dragonforce can come and play at the basketball court where i leave and i will call the police to get rid of their punk noise making asses!

This is the kind of uninformed additude I despise. There's no musical basis for not liking the band, it's simply an "OMG POPULARITY KILL THEM" statement. Why do people feel this way? Does being some kind of sickening avant-garde ignorant make you feel good about yourself? I don't mean this to you, specifically, Revolt, just everyone who expresses this opinion. Why is it you hate them simply based on who listens to them?

I've done my fair share of Dragonforce bashing, but it's never been directed at the band themselves. I cringe when I hear younger kids with emo haircuts and black lipstick talking about / wearing dragonforce apparel. I've mocked them excessively. But I've never quite put the band down for it. It's not THEIR fault their crowd is .. lets say.. new to the scene. I may mock, but I will never take away the fact that the DF guys are good at what they do, and it's not fair to throw around this kind of opinion.
It's not THEIR fault their crowd is .. lets say.. new to the scene.

Well, yeah, it is. What, Roadrunner was going to market them towards the diehards?

It's like HammerFall all over again. "New" style band composed of musicians who used to play a different style thrown in front of the kiddies by a cool label, they blow up... I fell for it the first time, but you know the saying, not gonna get fooled again. ;)
Believe me the fact that their concerts are hot toppic kids conventions is secondary , I have listened to all their cd and I simply despise the band I just dont like them, all the hot toppic kids they are just one more thing for me to despise the band but I wouldn't rate a band for their crowd, but really man what the hell you see on them? cheers :kickass: :kickass:
I don't enjoy degrading the way you write, but I don't enjoy having to look at it either, and I think you'll find many people on this board feel the same way, spoken out or no. This board isn't patrolled by 'English teachers', but consider the fact that likely, this is the ONLY way we'll really know you, and if you type like a tard... well.. how do you think we're going to think of you?


This is the kind of uninformed additude I despise. There's no musical basis for not liking the band, it's simply an "OMG POPULARITY KILL THEM" statement. Why do people feel this way? Does being some kind of sickening avant-garde ignorant make you feel good about yourself? I don't mean this to you, specifically, Revolt, just everyone who expresses this opinion. Why is it you hate them simply based on who listens to them?

I've done my fair share of Dragonforce bashing, but it's never been directed at the band themselves. I cringe when I hear younger kids with emo haircuts and black lipstick talking about / wearing dragonforce apparel. I've mocked them excessively. But I've never quite put the band down for it. It's not THEIR fault their crowd is .. lets say.. new to the scene. I may mock, but I will never take away the fact that the DF guys are good at what they do, and it's not fair to throw around this kind of opinion.
It's mostly funny because I never heard these "Hot Topic crowd" complaints about Lacuna Coil. I've yet to see a Dragonforce shirt at Hot Topic. I have seen numerous LC ones, though.
I will admit I like Dragonforce, it's fun to listen to them every now and then. However, I must admit that my admiration and respect for the band has gone downhill big time, especially after they scored it big. And one may think this is solely because they got big and popular. Well, that's kinda wrong. Yeap, I do hate the fact that 12 year old kids are listening to Dragonforce and calling them the kings of metal (without knowing any other metal bands besides Atreyu)... However, the band developed such an ego that I can't stand them anymore... (And I say this by personal experience, for dealing with the band other than meeting them once as a fan)... Sad, but I do hope they get forgotten sooner than later....
Love power metal, but I can't stand Dragonforce, too much speed but not enough substance, dissapointed me as well as Cellador for the same reasons.

NP: Barren Cross - 'Terrorist Child'
I'm gonna try and interview these guys here next month. I remember doing a phoner with Herman back when Valley (the album not demo) first got released. He was realy cool, down to earth, and seemed bashful almost when I asked him questions about ever getting "big". I'm just curious to see how they are now, if Herman's still the cool jovial humble guy he was back in 03.
Well, yeah, it is. What, Roadrunner was going to market them towards the diehards?

It's not the band's idea who their music gets marketed to. It's also not their place to say who can and cannot listen to their music, nor do I ever recall there being a 'cap' on how many fans a band can have. It's not like they changed their style to accomadate radio air time or anything... just the opposite, from what I've read, they have made practically 0 change to their music through 3 albums.
It's already been established that there IS a dark underbelly to Dragonforce, (which would be their Demoniac years)

Huh...that's what I thought this thread was about when I saw the subject. I find it interesting that this band has gotten so big in the US when the guitar players' last band Demoniac was quite racist. I couldn't believe it when someone told me they actually had a song called "Ni**er Slut"...interesting how Dragonforce (especially the guitar players) hasn't had people up their ass about this.

I guess people don't care much because they're not they just shake their heads. :p

Can't wait to see a Hitler youth or Skinhead on the History Channel wearing one of their shirts. :lol: