The Ugly World Tour 2011

So ive searched for "Machinae Supremacy" ,didnt know them till last week , and theyre cool !
not like cob but its good lol
here is a song i liked
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^Gay shit.
Fuck you! MaSu is a great band and it really stands out from other bands because of SIDStation and vocals and those are exactly why 99,9% of metalheads hate MaSu. Without those it would be an average metal band without anything original.
Fuck you! MaSu is a great band and it really stands out from other bands because of SIDStation and vocals and those are exactly why 99,9% of metalheads hate MaSu. Without those it would be an average metal band without anything original.

as you said AVERAGE.
From PartySan Production facebook poster for Finnish gigs:


Wow this is so cool, I must get one..

Yahooo I got tickets to Oulu, omg I can't wait to see Ensiferum and CoB together! Is this really true?

Helsinki and Tampere would be cool too but too far and the dates.. Sunday or Tuesday, no chances. :/
Fuck you! MaSu is a great band and it really stands out from other bands because of SIDStation and vocals and those are exactly why 99,9% of metalheads hate MaSu. Without those it would be an average metal band without anything original.

Naah they just try to be special with artwork and sounds and all but fail in terms of creating something actually impressive or new. Just one of them average bands. The music reeks of an annoying type of emo influence.
Naah they just try to be special with artwork and sounds and all but fail in terms of creating something actually impressive or new. Just one of them average bands. The music reeks of an annoying type of emo influence.
I am really disappointed to you if you really judged the band after hearing only Dark City. It's not nearly as good as the songs on their newest album or their old songs. Opinion is an opinion, but I just want to be sure that you listened more than a one song.
While I still have no idea where to go (probably Osnabruck though), I figured I would just make a cross between expected and dream setlist containing songs from each album.

In the shadows (more realistically Deadnight Warrior)
Children of Bodom
Towards Dead End
Hate Me
Kissing the Shadows
Angels Don't Kill
Hate Crew Deathroll
Living Dead Beat
In Your Face
Banned From Heaven
Was it Worth it?
Not My Funeral
Shovel Knockout

-Four songs from RRF might be a bit too much. They played 3 songs from BD during most of the last tour
-When there is a slow song on RRF and they play it, Banned will probably go of the list.
-While I could do without IYF, it is the hit single from AYDY so it will be pretty much a guarantee.

Oh well, it's all speculation but it kept me entertained for 10 minutes.
^ dude are You fucking retarded ? Posting that vid we all have seen atleast 3 times and actually I guy from the forum made that video if I'm not mistaken. Ok I know You gonna bash Me, that You just tried to be helpfull, but that's fucking annoying.
^ dude are You fucking retarded ? Posting that vid we all have seen atleast 3 times and actually I guy from the forum made that video if I'm not mistaken. Ok I know You gonna bash Me, that You just tried to be helpfull, but that's fucking annoying.

I second that.