The ultimate Achernar vs Mehdi poll

Who's the gayest ?

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"I must have filed it," masturbated Sexual Gross. He blew his top and killed three barbarians.
"No, I don't think you did," objected Harrison Gross as he reached into the mouth of his second barbarian and pulled out his heart. He fashioned the heart into a pillow and slept on it for weeks on end.

The barbarians fled.
"Fuck that! They know we're here," screamed Sexual.
"Give a fuck, we've already got seventy-four," answered Harrison.
"Disciplined Gross told us to bring eighty home,"
"Who cares?"

The screen door slammed shut.
"We're back," raised Harrison.
"We got about eighty Barbarians," added Sexual. Disciplined Gross lumbered into the entrance with a vagina on his shoulder. Needless to say the vagina had no owner? not any more.
"About eighty? How many?"
"Eighty something..." mumbled Harrison. Disciplined grabbed the vagina off his shoulder took a bite, munched for a while and asked again,
"How many?"
Minutes later Harrison and Sexual were back in the fields of Papooses-Apophis to get six more barbarians.

Joey Happy bleated loudly as the knife ripped his sac open and between the hairs out spewed two testicles, hanging limply from the wiry tubes that loved them.
"Stop it man," screamed Joey.

Perverted-MO-Keith tapped the two testicles in a glass jar filled with sex. They moved slightly and one of them jerked around like it wanted to play golf. Perverted-MO-Keith chuckled as he opened the glass jar and fished out one of the testicles.
"...that Happy guy, what a fuck." He said as he placed the naked testicle on the eye of his penis and consumed it. The area around his penis tingled as he placed the head of his penis into the glass jar and sucked the out the other testicle with his vacuum like penis.
After he had had his fill he turned around to face the five barbarians who cowered in the blood splattered corner.
"Now, who wants to fuck? I know a certain man who could do with some serious anal barbarianism."
"You are going to die for this, you faggot!" screamed Barbarian Goose.
As Perverted-MO-Keith entered all five barbarians simultaneously, he chuckled and said,
"I am the God of Nymphomania, that I am..."

The knife was dipped in shit, and then shoved inside a barbarian mouth, cutting the lips and the tongue. Muffled screams and lacerational sounds followed by what could be blood or spit or an innate mixture of both spilling from an open wound. The words:
"Fuck him! Insert that knife. Twist the leather until you rip the fucking skin. Make the eye melt. Make that hole big enough for me to fuck..." could be heard frequently.

What does this mean?
youll never see me posting pics of me in tight shirts tho and thats a big difference. well maybe in a 'lets dress up like a puff' thread.
men thinking youre gay and girls loving your tight shirt poser pics? well then we have different view about manliness :lol: