The (Un)Official Meats Thread

wow thats about the lamest logic ever. CHICKENS ARE FUCKING ANIMALS, THEY FEEL PAIN. also, not minding that others eating meat considering your reasoning for not eating meat is uhhh.... ? either way, this thread is a celebration of meat. keep your veggie loving asses out of here people.
wow thats about the lamest logic ever. CHICKENS ARE FUCKING ANIMALS, THEY FEEL PAIN. also, not minding that others eating meat considering your reasoning for not eating meat is uhhh.... ? either way, this thread is a celebration of meat. keep your veggie loving asses out of here people.
It's not about logic. That's why I said that its a personal thing.
No need to shit your pants with trying to explain me something, it won't really change a thing.
so goes womankind. i think ill go buy a huge pork skin now. theyre cheap and delicious!
Holy shit I'm desperately craving flesh at the moment. If you don't eat meat, seek psychiatric counseling. These animals are literally begging for us to show our affection and appreciation of their existence by devouring their body parts ad nauseum.. Do not let cows die in vain! Topple them with forklifts, slit their throats, and roast them in a trench! Hmm hmmm there goes the neighborhood! Pass the napkins!

There's a million reasons not to eat meat.
I write this as I'm about to pound a huge ham sandwich.
There's a million reasons not to eat meat.
I write this as I'm about to pound a huge ham sandwich.

Very few of them are good.

edit: there's a difference between disliking the meat industry and disliking meat, and someone who doesn't like the meat industry could still eat meat if that person was just more careful when picking out his/her dinner.

Personally, I don't give a fuck as long as it tastes good and isn't hazardous to my health.
This is the only thread I've ever made that has more than 2 posts in it. Go me. I suck. To keep it relevant: how do you all store your meat in the long-term? I was thinking about buying one of those vacuum sealer dealies. Do any of you have any experience with those? Ziploc makes a cheap one but I honestly don't know if I would trust it. I think my best bet is probably butcher's paper, plastic wrap, and deep freeze?
Very few of them are good.

edit: there's a difference between disliking the meat industry and disliking meat, and someone who doesn't like the meat industry could still eat meat if that person was just more careful when picking out his/her dinner.

My assumption is meat that is available to eat pretty much comes 100% from the meat industry. I'm no expert but my understanding is that the meat industry is an environmental disaster. I also don't like the idea of a million cows cooped up in cages and then marched to a death that may or may not happen with an air hammer blast to the head. My third problem is that I couldn't bring myself to actually kill an animal (unless I was starving) so it's weak of me to rely on some disgusting factory to do it for me.
Btw, I had a huge Hardee's burger yesterday. MMmmmMMmmm
Yea unless your buying the meat from John q farmer next door(which if you live in a city, no longer exists), chances are your meat comes from on of those hellacious places.
John q farmer is probably willing to deliver his well-kept post-cow edibles in person if the hippie just pays enough is basically what I'm saying, but at least here most stores have a more friendly (and costly) alternative than the regular death camp-supporting meat industry stuff.