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Last year when I found out we were having a child I got pretty stressed out and started having low blood pressure (which is wierd) and an unusual heart rhythm called atrial flutter. I could feel it. Once when I was at work, I hooked myself up to the ECG monitor and sure enough, there it was - atrial flutter. Also broke out in a wierd rash too. I chalked it all up to stress cuz I've been fine for months.
Good luck with the hypertension, J.
the biggest problem is that it runs in the family. but if i start eating healthy and exercising daily, it shouldn't be a prob.

my rates today were 142/92. not terrible, but could be a lot better.
Da lower number indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart is in the diastolic, or rest, or filling, phase. Systolic is the upper number when the ventricles, or lower chambers of the heart, are squeezing the blood out of the heart. Blood pressure goals should be prescribed on an individual basis but most people say 120/70 is perfect. I know lots of people who go around with pressures like 100/50 and are fine :erk:
ive been reading the goal should be 120/80. the wife says it's because i used to eat bad (lots of fast food) and because i fly off the handle at the tiniest problem
I've never understood the relationship between a high sodium diet and HTN (hypertension) because the kidneys secrete any sodium the body doesn't need. Except for a transient increase in BP after eating a pound of salt, it should go right back down after you piss it out (after it triggers you to drink about 2 gallons of water). Sounds like, in your case, you were told to avoid the salt to avoid any further increases in BP. As far as the "bad temper" phenomenon, I wonder if you can change that? I've always felt that if you were high-strung (or laid back) you were pretty much stuck that way. Anyway, BP is supposed to have a genetic tendency.
my dad takes BP medicine, so chances are i will be taking the same stuff to "soften" arteries or simply make my heart work less harder.

from reading it seems that high intake of sodium can cause hardening of the arteries, causing kidney failure causing a heart attack.

lots of potassium can counter the sodium effects, which is where orange juice comes in. and of course, lots of water cleans out the kidneys

basically, beer has becoe strictly a social thing and sodas (which i used to drink a lot of) will be cut to 1 a day, if that.

strange thing is that according to BMI, im only 1.1 whatevers in the overweight category. in other words, i need to lose about 10 pounds, which is where eating good and exercise come in

EDIT: which is why tuna sandwiches are for dinner. low sodium and high protein.
Lots of potassium will also kill you quite quickly. Best thing you can do is exercise and eat a healthy diet. Drop soft drinks completely. You'll be allright.
dorian gray said:
Lots of potassium will also kill you quite quickly. Best thing you can do is exercise and eat a healthy diet. Drop soft drinks completely. You'll be allright.

is there anything one can drink to replace soft drinks where you'll still get the caffeine intake to counter the caffeine defeciency headaches????

Coffee rules.

Aren't there some sugar and sodium free soft drinks that still have caffeine?
Someone put a booger in my coffee when I was a kid and I nearly gagged and choked to death on it, it was a monster of a booger. So now I don't drink coffee. I still don't know who set me up.