The (Un)official write anything you want page

Reign in Acai said:
I loathe 99% of the human race. Is that something I should be concerned over?

then i said stuff. and i meant it in the friendliest way possible. you're a smart guy, or at least not a fool; hating everyone is a waste of time. mighty zeus himself didn't come down from olympus to spit on everyone and tell them how disgusting he thought they were, he came down to get delicious proletarian pussy. :kickass:
Morm, I'm going to take your posts not as an attack, but as advice. I'm going to a halloween party in about 1 hour. At that party will be dozens upon dozens of emos. I'm going to try my damndest to overlook their emoness, and see them for the people they are underneath. You don;t think that I want to change this mindset? I do, but society won't let me!! But for you, and every liberal like you, I shall try one more time in the name of peace and prosperity!!!

by emos you mean people with hair over one eye and a lot of eyeliner, right? they're pretty much worthless...don't get your hopes up :erk:
I spent the last couple of hours hanging out with a 4 year old kid and it was fun. She asked me if I'd marry her and I had to explain to her how that wasn't a good idea. :lol: Kids are awesome
Yeah well up here in Canada we live in igloos and devote several months a year to the hunt so that we don't starve during those suffocating winters, so I have little time for New Jersey car dealership ads.

You fucking faggot Americans have all the good beer (edit: referring to fancy microbrews with cool names and exotic ingredients). Quick someone help me occupy the country so we can siphon it off for our own imbibement!
Fuck this. I deleted tehm as i Did not cre a at that time about being a racist prick. But now after a couple pints of brew and some nice wholesome micdonalds I couldn't care fucking less. I trued

I really did try. But the facxt of the matter is this. I'm a bigot. And there is no change that Mormamutissin. Climb thar I traversed with brew in our hands, and good intentions in our hearts. As we arrived at the partu in style, dressed to the nines in dock worker masks, litrle did we know that the festivities would be invaded by 15 yr olds. Dude im fucking 25 yrs old, why the fudck am I at a PArt y with people old enough to be my sons and daughters? Anyhow my former confidants are now dead to me. tHey pro vie nothing posivtive to my being whatsoevere. FUCKKKKK. There was this one chick there that was pretty cute, what does she do on the side ye ask? She sucks a homeless persons dick. A fuckinfg 19 yfr old femLE WHO is cute as a button. has a homeless kid as her booty call. WHAT THE FUC!?!?!?1?1? Fuck coons., cufk spics, fuck cholo faggots, there is no changing me. No changing me.

P.S God damn chicken nuggest fucking slayl. As do those 29 cent hamburgers that haave nothing on them exc ept pickles oand mustard. Fuck yra!
Reign in Acai said:
Fuck this. I deleted tehm as i Did not cre a at that time about being a racist prick. But now after a couple pints of brew and some nice wholesome micdonalds I couldn't care fucking less. I trued

I really did try. But the facxt of the matter is this. I'm a bigot. And there is no change that Mormamutissin. Climb thar I traversed with brew in our hands, and good intentions in our hearts. As we arrived at the partu in style, dressed to the nines in dock worker masks, litrle did we know that the festivities would be invaded by 15 yr olds. Dude im fucking 25 yrs old, why the fudck am I at a PArt y with people old enough to be my sons and daughters? Anyhow my former confidants are now dead to me. tHey pro vie nothing posivtive to my being whatsoevere. FUCKKKKK. There was this one chick there that was pretty cute, what does she do on the side ye ask? She sucks a homeless persons dick. A fuckinfg 19 yfr old femLE WHO is cute as a button. has a homeless kid as her booty call. WHAT THE FUC!?!?!?1?1? Fuck coons., cufk spics, fuck cholo faggots, there is no changing me. No changing me.

P.S God damn chicken nuggest fucking slayl. As do those 29 cent hamburgers that haave nothing on them exc ept pickles oand mustard. Fuck yra!

and I think to myself.... what a wonderful worrrrlddddd
My Ipod just fucking stopped working, and I'll probably have to pay $50 for a new battery or something. Fuck Ipods :mad:
:lol: at RiA's personal problems

you still coming up to Canadar for Moonsorrow and all? I can't wait to bombard you with my weak liberal propaganda nonsense!
swizzlenuts said:
My Ipod just fucking stopped working, and I'll probably have to pay $50 for a new battery or something. Fuck Ipods :mad:
Don't you have the warranty? That covers the battery.