The (Un)official write anything you want page

Do all you people whose Ipods break left and right just suck at taking care o them? My girlfriend's had hers for a while now (6+ months) and it hasn't even had a single problem aside from not turning off occasionally... same thing Tully said I believe except he had his a lot longer
i'm not the oldest that's for sure

and yeah dude almost everyone i know who has had an ipod has had one break. another amigo of mine is on his third. and i do take care of them; i don't drop them or sit on them or leave them outside overnight or whatever might cause it to malfunction...they just suck.

i hate them for being a status symbol and i would vastly prefer another brand for that reason alone, even if it weren't for the fact that, given what i've heard and my own personal experience with them, they are frustratingly unreliable. it really sucks because i do a lot of my music listening on it, on the bus or walking or what have you.
I should be doing homework but instead I'm browsing RC and drinking a huge bottle of Duvel

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

EDIT - I actually looked at what homework I had to do and it consisted of a one page project proposal. Done and done. Now back to drinking and Gates of Slumber!

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Trylakos said:
okay.. what is a good MP3 player then?:lol:
I had a Sansa/Sandisk/something like that. Worked fine, just didn't hold enough music for me. It was less than one gig. I don't know what their biggest size is, but they have one gig memory cards, but those cost like $100, so you're better off getting an iPod for that.
Fuck you Frank, I challenge you to work side by side with filthy negars on a daily basis. Does anyone here know if you can catch AIDS by holding a conversation with one of them??!??! :erk:

I may drop by Robeks and pick up an acai bowl. FTW.
I've been at work for the past 6 days with the exception of monday which I spent recuperating. I worked an average of 14+ hours a day. I got an average of 6 hours of sleep a night. I hate working.
Reign in Acai said:
The older models are fairly simple to modify yourself, just don't go at it like a barbarian. :heh:

The new slimline ones on the other hand are a pain in the ass, unless you're really good at the game "operation". If so you can buy ghost clips for a couple bucks that go over the sensor that relays the mssg to your ps2 that the cd top is open.

Whichever model you have, you'll need to use a swap magic version 3.6 disc (I believe) boot disc. This disc needs to be loaded up prior to every single time you play an imported game.

In the end I just coughed up 340 big ones for a universal ps2. Due not only in part that I freakishly fucked up 3 ps2's in a span of twenty-four hours, but for mainly that it becomes a pain in the ass to boot up the swap magic disc on an older ps2 with a shoddy lense.

Go here

Also, it is actually "Per se"

Ok, thanks. I have the older model. so hopefully it will be easier. I'm not a very technical person, so I didn't want to have to take it apart, but I remember hearing about the swap disc on here before, and I wanted to know where to get it. I really don't have the money to buy a universal system at the moment.

Thanks, I knew I fucked the spelling up.