The (Un)official write anything you want page

Trylakos said:
okay.. what is a good MP3 player then?:lol:

I've had my Archos Gmini 400 for three years now, and I haven't had ANY troubles until just a week ago, when the sound fell out on the left ear. I still haven't established whether it is because of the player or the ear plugs.

I have the first episode of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni but haven't gotten around to watching it yet. I tried to watch the first episode of Kemonozume but the art and animation drove me away (which I can't understand, because it's supposedly done by Madhouse, one of my favorite studios). As for Welcome to the NHK, I've kept seeing the name around but haven't looked into it. I just read a description though and it sounds fairly interesting.

And yeah, you really should watch Monster and Mushishi. Mushishi is slow paced but fantastic. It's similar to Kino no Tabi if you've seen that. Sadly it was just licensed so I'm not sure where you can get it. And Monster...just watch a few episodes, if you aren't hooked, I'll be amazed.
I can't think of any violent stuff I've seen lately. Have you seen the special OVA episode of Elfien Lied? For some reason when it was licensed here in the U.S. they didn't bother getting that one episode so it's still readily available (like at animesuki).
Yeah, I've been meaning to look into new stuff, but my computer at home was shit, and since it seems that most people download stuff, I couldn't keep up. I just bought what I found in stores.
if you think seven harmonies of unknown truths is a burzum song you're a fucking idiot

i dont know who first spread this around but it must be one of the most successful trolls ever since every shitty fucking bootleg has it
Anime was the reason I got into metal, and metal was the reason I got out of anime. I still enjoy it from time to time, but rarely spend money on it anymore. I bought the "Samurai Deeper Kyo" some time ago, and it wasn't all that great. Since then, I haven't really watched any.

By the way, Carbonized, is the quote in your location a reference to The Dark Tower series by Stephen King?
"Samuria Deeper Kyo" is a newer anime and it is not a hentai. It's pretty mainstream, too; I picked it up at Suncoast.

I'm on The Dark Tower IV: "Wizard and Glass" right now, which is where that quote is from and probably why I picked up on it over other people, because I'm currently reading it.
Carbonized said:
Is it violent/bloody? I really want something like that :/ I've been watching Mushishi, which Thanatopsis pointed out to me. It's nice and good so i'll finish the series but arg, i wanna see dismemberment.

I remember reading W&G with Tuonela playing the entire time. It fit pretty well believe it or not. So now every time i hear it i think of that book. That story is his Wizard of Oz haha :D Good book though, not as good as the prior ones though. I did really like the back story on Roland. He's a total badass. Tooterfish and astin please.
It's not really violent or anything; pretty tame actually. It's a generic show anyway. I wouldn't recommend it.

Yeah, I like the Roland flashback a lot. I'm nearing the end of it and am kind of scared of what's going to happen. I don't want the flashback to end really. I'm enjoying it more than the other part of the story. Heh.
How does Halloween work in a city? I would imagine that it would be difficult to go around to each house and it would be an annoyance for people since there are so many kids. Do they have the treats split up into blocks orsomething?
Well in the inner city, negar kids will do all their halloween trick or treating in the business district. Each store usually has a little bowl of candy set out as a peace offering. One can only imagine what a cadre of chimpanzees thirsty for chocolate darker than their skin can do. Latex gloves are usually issued to all the negar children before hand. Not for hygienic purposes mind you, no this is to prevent little Jerrell from biting in to one of his fingers when he mistakenly takes it for a tootsie roll. The difficulty between going from business to business, well this heavily depends on how close the trees are planted from one another.

And for the stray monkeys who wonder on to my "calle", I distribute cotton balls as a neighborly reminder of how far they have come socioeconomically in the past 150 yrs. This is a typical Halloween in the big city.