The (Un)official write anything you want page

I know I save 10 to 15 bucks everytime I change my oil and thats 40 to 50 bucks a year i can spend on cds and food. Its not for everyone but it can be very helpfull same with the air filter. If you do it right you dont get dirty much at all and no money shots.
they rock : listen to Liccardo


about the project (but songs I like most aren't on their myspace) :
Thanatopsis123 said:
Nothing. Not only am I not very quick witted and don't like confrontation, I don't like messing with anyone in the service industry that's about to do something for me.

On a related note, a barber cut me four times with a straight razor today.

After they got done working on your car, you should have ran back in there and called her a redneck sumbitch.
It's a travesty not to be able to change your own air filter but understandable all the same. I can see why someone wouldn't want to bother. But let's face it, most people are lucky they even know where gas goes in their car, let alone the basics of internal combustion.

Not-interesting-at-all sidenote: I just changed my oil the other day and it was the first time since July 2005. There were only around 7,000 miles in those 15 months though big deal.
Milk is truly disgusting in general. Consider that you're drinking a mucous product from a disgusting animal.
That said, I drink whole milk when possible for the calorie content. There was a time when I would drink quarts of half and half. That's some good shit.
dorian gray said:
Milk is truly disgusting in general. Consider that you're drinking a mucous product from a disgusting animal.
That said, I drink whole milk when possible for the calorie content. There was a time when I would drink quarts of half and half. That's some good shit.

my opinions on the matter fall more or less along these lines, although nothing goes with fruit, dessert etc like a nice glass of milk
Mormagil said:
my opinions on the matter fall more or less along these lines, although nothing goes with fruit, dessert etc like a nice glass of milk
Word. I drink it all the time actually.
i bought two gallons about ten days ago and i still have about a gallon and a half...i'm pretty sure it expires in 4 or 5 days. :erk:
so we had a grand total of twelve trick or treaters this year.

What the god damn hell is wrong with children these days?


seriously, kids today suck.
next year we've got to get some full size chocolate bars to reward the kids who can actually do the trick or treating thing right instead of being pansy-asses who won't dare to brave some slightly sub-zero weather for FREE CANDY

hell, when I was a kid I'd go out into -20 C weather in costume with a pillowcase to get my candy, and I never came back until that fucker was filled.