The (Un)official write anything you want page

I've got a pile of job vacancy sheets in front of me that the lady at the Jobcentre handed to me on Monday. I'm supposed to apply for them all or I might lose my Job Seeker's Allowance (meagre as it is), but some of them really suck and aren't the kind of thing I'm looking for at all - I mean, I'm supposed to call for an application form so I can be a shelf-stacker at Sainsbury's, for fuck's sake.
My dad has to do that shit when he's laid off for the winter, it's like... why?? He'll be back at work in 5 months when the nasty winter storms are done.
I don't mind so much when the people at the Jobcentre let me apply for jobs that I actually think that I could/wouldn't mind doing, but when I go in looking for admin/office/data entry work, permanent positions, preferably over 30 hours a week, and they go "Well, here's a job at a pet-store, 15 hours a week for three months. Shall we print the details out for you? Here you go..."
It was an off-the-top of my head made-up thing rather than an actual example, but as it happens, I'm not a massive animal lover, the constant noise and smell of a pet store would piss me off immeasurably, and I try to stay away from retail work because I don't generally like people very much. Data entry works for me because the boss can give me something to do and then fuck off and leave me to do it, and I don't have to bother swapping mindless office gossip with the other drones if I don't choose to.
Ephel Duath are very good live . Bassist and guitarist are almost in suit and ties and between them , you have a psychopath singing :lol:. Of course their music(anship) is excellent, a kind of free jazz/core you'll see nowhere else. And although I didn't like their 'Pain Necessary to Know' half as much as 'The Painter's Palette' , they're really talented and entertaining live.
dill_the_devil said:
It was an off-the-top of my head made-up thing rather than an actual example, but as it happens, I'm not a massive animal lover, the constant noise and smell of a pet store would piss me off immeasurably, and I try to stay away from retail work because I don't generally like people very much. Data entry works for me because the boss can give me something to do and then fuck off and leave me to do it, and I don't have to bother swapping mindless office gossip with the other drones if I don't choose to.

Go out and apply for jobs yourself then....
LOL @ this entire page especially Trylokoklos's tidal wave comment. wtf?

Décadent said:
What on earth is half n' half?
My understanding - and I just found this out a few weeks ago - is that it's half milk and half cream. I am at a loss as to why this would be a necessary combination but nevertheless. I'll post some pics tomorrow for posterity.
Crimson Velvet said:
Go out and apply for jobs yourself then....

You fail, because that's exactly what I have been doing (at a rate of applying for around two jobs a day for the last three weeks or so) - however, as part of the process of receiving Jobseeker's Allowance, after you go in to do your fortnightly sign-on, the people at the Jobcentre itself do a search for jobs they think you should apply for as well, and part of the terms of the JSA agreement state that your benefit could be cut off if you 'refuse to apply for a suitable job' - and what they consider suitable is usually not the same as the ones I've been applying for.

EDIT: Just finished filling out an application form for a Team Administrator job at Wolverhampton City Council - it's always a bitch filling out the 'previous employment' section on these things, 'cos my second-most-recent employer has gone bankrupt, the next one isn't trading any more, and before that I spent about a year and a half doing agency work, and I can't even remember all the places I ended up while I was doing that...
dill_the_devil said:
EDIT: Just finished filling out an application form for a Team Administrator job at Wolverhampton City Council - it's always a bitch filling out the 'previous employment' section on these things, 'cos my second-most-recent employer has gone bankrupt, the next one isn't trading any more, and before that I spent about a year and a half doing agency work, and I can't even remember all the places I ended up while I was doing that...

I hear you there, my past employment is a fishplant and a grocery store, and neither one do references. I'm applying for IT jobs... :/