The (Un)official write anything you want page

Arrested Development > Malcolm in the Middle. But not by much. Whoever decided to give these shows the axe needs to die. I'm currently watching the final season of Malcolm and holy shit is it funnier than ever. Reese Marries Raduca, an Eastern European broad who's using him for a green card. :lol:

The last season is so fucked up , it's awesome:lol: It's weird going back to the first season where they are so young, I didn't notice the change since I grew up with them I guess.
That Visa commercial with the people spinning around in the restaurant and whatnot - neat stuff and all but isn't the music lifted from Rush's La Villa Strangiato?
i went to ohio to see some old friends and one of them kept blowing me off to hang out with some skank so i swiped his replica indiana jones idol and replied to his angry text messages with "it belongs in a museum!"
I have to pay fucking $200 for accidentally going the wrong way down a one-way street. I was looking for parking outside of the venue I was going to, and I saw this guy with an orange flag, so I went down there. The guy parked us and didn't even say anything. There weren't any other cars coming the other way, obviously, or I wouldn't have gone down there. The cops pulled up right after we were parked. They didn't give a fuck that we were from out of town. I'm pissed.
Getting my wisdom teeth out was pretty awesome. Loaded up on painkillers, puking blood, fainting in the bathroom, etc. Good times.

LOL, wtf? Fainting? Damn, that blows! I have seen people's faces blow up like a chipmunk, Im talking UNREAL, being incapacitated for a week, and have seen people party the same night and not be affected.

Did you go to an Oral Surgeon or just a dentist? Oral Surgeons knock you out. I had my dentist do it, that was some weird ass feelings when he was pulling, twisting, and yanking my head with that frickin plier/wrench/jaws of death shits.
When I got them out I was pretty much out of commission all week! 7 days of lying around watching movies and sleeping - it was good shit!

The drugs they give you aren't bad either :D
When I had mine pulled one of the teeth had extra roots and was a bitch to get out. It was funny cause I was awake the whole time and the dentist dude was like "oh shit we got some extra roots here" *YANK*. Very strange experience. Anyway the gum got infected and my face was huge and poofy for a long time and food and shit kept getting stuck in the gaping hole that would not close. I had to get a syringe thing to rinse it out every time i ate.
i was one of the good to go by that night people, i even got all 4 out at once

i had an oral surgeon though, mebbe that helped. i did almost faint in the elevator on the way down to the car.