The (Un)official write anything you want page

Speed limits are pretty gay indeed. I think the 25mph Zones need to be completely removed. I speed all the time, I have just never been caught or no one has cared enough to write me a ticket.
How can you keep getting tickets is what I don't understand. After shelling out hundreds of dollars for nothing you think you would at least get better at not getting caught doing whatever you are doing.
Recent tickets

Going 91 m.p.h coming back from Portland. This drive was so excruciatingly long at even speeds reaching excess of 100 m.p.h. Give me the ticket, I do not care. (Next time I'm flying)

Crossing two lanes upon entering the freeway. (Was running late to work)

Literally 11 parking tickets. (Half of which are not my fault)

Right turn on a red light w/ sign posted not to do so. (Was listening to metal and not focused on signage)

California Roll (Not coming to a complete stop)

Hahaha ho hum.
I am fighting a ticket this month in court for "spillback"
What is it you ask? ..
Well I was crossing one of the major avenues here in NY and as I was crossign the intersection, 2 lanes turned into 1 ... and a long trailer next to me, carrying port-a-potties nevertheless, drifted into my lane, then slowing down for traffic ahead ... leaving me dead in the middle of the intersection.

and 2 very overzealous cops that were parked there, pulled me over and numerous others after me giving us tickets.

fighting this fucker as it was not my fault.
We put one pizza box in our recycling once, we got a letter a week later saying the camera in the truck filmed it and if we do it again they will cut off our service.

Aparently one pizza box contaminates the entire load of recycling and we are responsible for global warming by doing so. WTF they sort it at the plant you dicks!
look ma! no cavities!

and my gums and bones are in great shape too!

i rule. the dentist said so.

apparently i don't have european teeth AKA bad teeth
It's a beautiful day outside. Somehow, it's having an adverse effect on me and is causing me to feel slightly angry and somewhat sad :erk:

Maybe it's 'cause I have nothing to do.

Nevermind, I'm in high spirits! Going to grab lunch by the beach with a couple friends and then have a few dozen beers!

And I have to work outside. fuck this....its insane.

On a positive note though, I received my Hammers tee today. :kickass:
