The (Un)official write anything you want page

Shit, Jerry. That was completely over the top! I actually had a story to tell but it'll have to wait. I don't want it to be connected to Jerry's rant
panic attack:

I graduate in a year and a half, as opposed to two years

thus, I must begin a thesis in a year.

thus! I must panic drink massive amounts of whisky, and worry about it tomorrow morning.
All the bands I used to like are going down the drain
What the hell has happened here, have they gone insane?
I used to think that heavy bands ignored the current trends
But once you've been in rolling stone you learn about your friends

I work at the reference desk in a university library, right out in the middle of the first floor. I'm pretty sure that if somebody stole even a glimpse at any one of Jerry's "fecking negars!" posts I would be jobless. One of the few thrills of the reference floor is trying to not be caught by my bosses laughing at the racist rants of extreme metal fans on the internet.

UM rules. :kickass:

Are you a totally unfriendly, worthless jackass like all the refrence desk fuckwads at my school?