The (Un)official write anything you want page

Same here, but I kinda of needed to be there.

I take Zoloft and for the first week I was on it I was extremely suicidal, but after that I was fine except for the fact that I'm addicted to the shit. I don't want to even know what happens when I try to stop taking it.

Uhh, I would hope you needed to be there if you were there. wtf lol I wont even go into all the shit that happened to me and what led up to that point in my life. lol

I tried Zoloft before they put me on paxil...that stuff sucked. It all sucks though....just some better than others. Zoloft swallowed.

Id rather be withdrawing from heroin right now to be quite fucking honest. This is worse and lasts a billion times longer. Im talking years here. And you cant just stop cold turkey.
Anti-Depressants are some serious shit, and usually cause more harm than good (at least in my experiences). I can honestly say that the only thing that kept me from ending myself was weed...
Yea the past page or two hits home with me as well, fucking ************** companies. I havent been on any perscribed medications (aside from a few anti-biotics) for the past few years, I got tired of playing games with my brain chemistry. Some of these anti depressants and anti psychotics are as bad, if not worse, to get off of than Heroin.
Anti-Depressants are some serious shit, and usually cause more harm than good (at least in my experiences). I can honestly say that the only thing that kept me from ending myself was weed...

My old doctor actually told me it was a good idea for me to smoke a bit of weed daily, my favourite perscription thus far.
Anti-Depressants are some serious shit, and usually cause more harm than good (at least in my experiences). I can honestly say that the only thing that kept me from ending myself was weed...

no joke dude, marijuana could replace so many of these shitty drugs. not all of them, but certainly most.
A few friends of mine are turning to coke, and it's pissing me off. Why speed up life when it's already too fast? Weed puts everything in perspective for me and makes me think soo much clearly. and um it makes Sabbath rule that much more.
Yeah dude... the fucking guy didn't even make me go out and get the stuff- he gave me 21 days worth for FREE. My buddy Matt went in there later in the day and got the same exact shit, and he most certainly didn't need it either. It just makes me sad, imagine how many kids that guy sees every day that don't know any better! He's probably got like 50 students taking that shit every day now... :(

He said it would give me nausea, most likely entirely take away my sex drive, and maybe even make me suicidal. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I should seriously try to have him fired.

I've heard stories like this too. My friend went to his college health center to try to get sleep aides as well. He came out witha goodie bag of like 4 different kinds of anti-depressants and anti-anxiety pills.
I mean seriously, what the FUCK, this isnt some playful game with your brain.
college clinics suck. especially at Green Mountain, because it services the shitty hick town of Poultney (where the school is) as well as the 600 college residents. the doctor was probably rejected from anywhere else, because i can't imagine a legit physician being anywhere near that unholy place. i dropped out of that shithole on thursday, i've never made a better decision in my life.
Dude, you wanna feel like you have had a lobotomy? Try some Risperdal sometime. lol Talk about floating through life!!!

I agree on the whole mary-J things said. I just hate how I have uncontrollable munchies and the damage to my lungs. Other than that, I would have stayed a pothead for the rest of my life. Now it's down to once/week or every other.
Dude, you wanna feel like you have had a lobotomy? Try some Risperdal sometime. lol Talk about floating through life!!!

I agree on the whole mary-J things said. I just hate how I have uncontrollable munchies and the damage to my lungs. Other than that, I would have stayed a pothead for the rest of my life. Now it's down to once/week or every other.

um... get a vaporizer. you get higher, plus there is no smell, and no damage to your lungs. i understand you just dont want to smoke, but if you do... get one!!!!
Meh, my mom has vaporizer (yea I smoke with my mom) the high I get from it is way too bed-ridden. All i can do when I use a vaporizer is chill on a couch and eat, watch movies, and sleep.

edit: I thnik couch-locked would be the best term for it.
I take Risperdal when I have panic attacks, that shit gets me so calm.

How much? And just for panic attacks? WTF? Never heard that before.

Try taking only a few mg/day. Good lord.

I was switched to that after Haldol, which gave me ridiculous facial, neck and back cramps (for a lack of a better term). My neck and head would race up to the ceiling involuntarily and my face would get all distorted and shit. Was the fucking weirdest shit ever. I felt like a complete douchebag and didnt know wtf was going on. I looked like this:


How much? And just for panic attacks? WTF? Never heard that before.

Try taking only a few mg/day. Good lord.

I was switched to that after Haldol, which gave me ridiculous facial, neck and back cramps (for a lack of a better term). My neck and head would race up to the ceiling involuntarily and my face would get all distorted and shit. Was the fucking weirdest shit ever. I felt like a complete douchebag and didnt know wtf was going on. I looked like this:



No I take something else for my panic attacks, their some type of wafer. I used to take respidol everday in the mourning, but it caused my gain a shitload of weight.