The (Un)official write anything you want page

Well, that whole dancing thing could have gone worse. Sure, I stuck out like a sore thumb not only because of my height and my being the only fucking foreigner dancing, but also because I had no practice and had to learn the four different dances as we went. But after some beers I had a small buzz going and then we took at break half way through and I was handed a jar (yes a jar) of sake and that tipped the scales just enough for me to completely stop caring and I started dancing even worse. Good thing I didn't care at that point.

Ah well, free drinks and a free dinner just for making a fool of myself for two hours? Good deal. :cool:
sake is disgusting.

u havent dived into some japanese poon yet?!?!

I'm not much of a drinker but I have to say I like your average sake more than your average beer.

As for the other matter: I'm a very average looking guy. However, here everyone thinks I look like a fucking movie star. So I have to express my confusion at women (sometimes quite literally) running away from me.
I'm not much of a drinker but I have to say I like your average sake more than your average beer.

As for the other matter: I'm a very average looking guy. However, here everyone thinks I look like a fucking movie star. So I have to express my confusion at women (sometimes quite literally) running away from me.

Yeah, I like Sake.

You're white so I imagine they treat you good over there in Japan just for being so.
That's a common misperception. Other common misperceptions about Japan and the Japanese include (but of course aren't limited to): it being a very clean country, the people themselves being very clean, the people being polite, Japanese girls throwing themselves at gaijin, the people being technologically advanced, there being little to no crime in Japan, it being a rich country, everyone works hard, students are all brilliant and study like crazy, and the list goes on.
That's a common misperception. Other common misperceptions about Japan and the Japanese include (but of course aren't limited to): it being a very clean country, the people themselves being very clean, the people being polite, Japanese girls throwing themselves at gaijin, the people being technologically advanced, there being little to no crime in Japan, it being a rich country, everyone works hard, students are all brilliant and study like crazy, and the list goes on.

So it sounds just like the US? but smaller, more cramped and with less rednecks.
That's a common misperception. Other common misperceptions about Japan and the Japanese include (but of course aren't limited to): it being a very clean country, the people themselves being very clean, the people being polite, Japanese girls throwing themselves at gaijin, the people being technologically advanced, there being little to no crime in Japan, it being a rich country, everyone works hard, students are all brilliant and study like crazy, and the list goes on.

I know the country is becoming more liberal and young people are becoming more aimless and they don't even work nor study as hard anymore. Hell, some do not even work nor study period.
Speaking of flies... I am so God damn sick of my immediate co-workers (5 total). The first fly is an acquaintance who let's his six figure income get to his fucking head (he works two jobs), every God damn word that comes out of his mouth is either a sexist remark, or him touting off his newly purchased tech gadget. He's under the impression that every and any woman who crosses his path wants to rip off his clothes and go in to the throes of intercourse with him. Bah.

The second fly is one of the laziest lads I have ever come across. Just last night he was given the simple task of relieving myself and the co-worker above for our lunch breaks. We didn't give him anything else to do the whole fucking night, as not much was happening aside from a second showing of Superbad. Well this languorous lemur of the night had our other co-worker fill in for him while he stayed in the other command center playing world of warcraft! Well in turn my supervisor who looks and acts like Tigers manager Jim Leyland gave the broad an ass reaming to the point that the weight loss band on her stomach ripped apart from the seams. :Sigh:

On to fly-worker three. Though she is generally nice and pleasant to be around, if you engage her in conversation you're bombarded with lies and fallacies. Very indecisive, languorous in her own right, and tends to stir her own dramatic stew. (As is the case with co-worker one)

Fly four, juvenile asian lad, who is a decent enough cat, but someone who I have absolutely nothing in common with. Listens to Akon, Juvenile, and the like. Walks around in my pals attire, nuff said.

Fly five, 46 year old Asian Chink who would make Thanatopsis board a plane back to the states in a New York minute. She's bi-polar and cozies up to Jim Leyland's authority to score brownie points. She drops dimes like a banker with Parkinson's.

Same shit, different flies indeed.
I just came back from the Grocery store. Fuck shit faggot cunts lining the aisle ways dawning their gucci potato sack unlimited purses and their smug smirks of faux fulfillment.

I asked a young student today where some candy was and he continued to insist that my package was the candy. I also discussed an article on international (and interracial) marriage with two adult students and apparently they're gung ho for eugenics. They really spouted some scary shit about racial purity.

I'm not sure which of these two incidents is more disconcerting. :erk: