The (Un)official write anything you want page

what will you do without the internet!?!?!? :zombie:

The internet to me = RC. Every other site I go to, I'm on for a mere blip. However this site in particular has consumed 85% of my internet browsing. Yea, it sounds stupid, but just ask Erik, he'll tell you. I'm fairly certain that whatever the lad is up to right now, is a step up from approaching 9,000 posts and being a participant in a special ed discourse on the musical failure that is Firethorn.
ok, but you'll need to occupy that time somehow. I doubt you'll quit the internet and want to still spend that time sitting in your broiler of a room staring at a wall.

you need a gameplan, quit the internet and replace it with fill in blank
Speaking of punching shit...My friends and I were playing basketball at 24 hour fitness 2-3 months ago and this whale of a mexican comes in to the gymnasium and begins punching the padded pillars that support the ceiling. It was so laughable, as every punch he threw landed off center, pinkies first. No rhythm to it, just languorous fist lobs in a desperate attempt to impress people who truly couldn't give a shit. He rotated from one pillar to the next, with a sparring session that lasted all of 3 minutes.

Just get your shit done faggoth spicola, stop worrying about what your fellow man thinks of your gym-penis.
This past week I started going out with this nice lass that hung out with my "clique." All of them knew I liked her, and they even encouraged me to ask her out (also it was fairly obvious she was keen on me too). Well, now that she is my girlfriend two of them especially are being generally pissy to both of us and those same two have decided that now is a good time to fucken' bring up their crushes on her. Fuck off jealous pricks!

Also: She is awesome/amazing/fantastic/marvelous/etc.
Bring me some of that Vodka mate. I've downed the last of Phlegmis and am in need of liquid therapy. FUCK THIS WORLD!!! Somebody kill me as I don't have the balls to do it myself!!!
The good: condo in a quiet town is ready, for the first time in my life I get my own garage to work on vehicles / harness the WRX. :kickass:

The bad: my gall bladder is doing stupid things. :Smug:

The ugly: I'm afraid to drink beer until I have more tests done next week. :mad:
How much do homes go for in Aussie land?!?

Normally we just trade for a few kangaroos and a goat.

Seriously, hard to say, this particular house belongs to my girlfriends mother atm so we are getting an awesome deal as she wishes to set us up with a good thing. The price is 200K AUD which is fucking awesome for a 4 bedroom house with a pool, AC and a granny flat out the back :kickass:
I thought the Aussie market was tanking right now as well? I haven't much paid attention to it though. EDIT: Cool.

I'm not ready to buy yet, still renting. In a year prices might be somewhere near the 9 planets once again, and I'll think about it.
I thought the Aussie market was tanking right now as well? I haven't much paid attention to it though. EDIT: Cool.

I'm not ready to buy yet, still renting. In a year prices might be somewhere near the 9 planets once again, and I'll think about it.

Yeh the aussie market is pretty full on. Housing prices in Sydney are insane, imagine it is a similar issue to the US market atm. Heaps of people losing out.
I luckily do not live in Sydney so have avoided most of that shit, i'm about a 15 minute walk to work in a town of like 30k near the beach, river, mountains and only 1 and a bit hours out of sydney if i need to venture there.

That's fucked up mate. Did you read the report that came out earlier this week?!? Steroids had no part in making Benoit snap (I knew this all along). What was shocking was that the man had severe head trauma from a multitude of concussions through the years. They say his brain was functioning at the level of an 85 year old with Alzheimers.

Here read...

by Dave Scherer @ 9:39:43 AM on 9/5/2007

When I heard that Chris Benoit murdered his family and then killed himself, my first thought was to wonder if he had dementia associated with repeated blows to the head. There have been a number of professional athletes (mostly football players) that have suffered from this due to repeated blows to the head and undiagnosed concussions, whose cumulative effects destroyed the athletes' brain.

Today, an ABC News story today states that was, in fact, a condition from which Benoit suffered.

According to Michael Benoit, Chris' father, tests conducted by Julian Bailes of the Sports Legacy Institute show that Benoit's brain was so severely damaged it resembled that of an 85-year-old Alzheimer's patient. Bailes and his research team say that this damage was the result of a lifetime of chronic concussions and head trauma suffered while Benoit was in the wrestling ring.

Benoit was famous for his flying headbutt, which put stress on his brain every time he did it. It's now entirely possible that we know why he committed the acts.