The (Un)official write anything you want page

I never thought it was steroids, because the behavior he exhibited was completely atypical of steroid-induced/associated violence. He was either exhibiting a complete psychotic breakdown (disassocation with reality) or was under the influence of a much more psychoreactive substance. Or, as you indicate, perhaps brain damage related.

That said, that pic still made me LOL.
September 7, 2007 - Friday

Welcome to the neighbourhood...

After the seething, foaming-at-the-mouth rant about the descent into hitherto-uncharted circles of Hell that is the public transport experience that constituted yesterday's blog, I was hoping to post something a little different today. Something more upbeat, something enthusiastic, perhaps waxing lyrical about something I particularly enjoy, perhaps simply musing on the understated beauty of a sunset. Y'know, something that would make me appear to be a bit more of a well-rounded, balanced individual, as opposed to the melancholic, cynical, world-weary and occasionally downright pissed-off person I must come across as in these entries. Sadly, circumstances have arisen that have put any possibility of a happy blog temporarily on hold.

Namely, my house was robbed last night.

Now, some background may be useful to some of you here. At the beginning of last month, my friend Jack and I moved in together. And we're not talking 'civil partnership' or anything here - Jack's girlfriend Helen joined us a few weeks later when she got back from America, where she'd been teaching fat kids to dance, or some such thing. At the beginning of this week, another friend, Logan, moved in as well. We've been going through all the usual stuff that happens soon after people move in to a new place together - minor squabbles about housework and washing up, bill-related consternation, an ongoing pass-the-parcel game involving the one set of keys that we had between us (until Helen got herself copies of the front door keys, anyway), all that jazz. The only variable we couldn't really have predicted was our crazy neighbour, Q.

Q lives a couple of doors away from us, and became a regular visitor to the house not long after we moved in. Not that we especially wanted him there, mind you. I recognised him from when I was at school, and recalled him as being something of a dodgy fuck. Several of our friends told us to keep an eye on him as well. But he had a tendency of ringing the doorbell, then pretty much just rushing past us into the house as soon as the door was opened, pacing from room to room, talking a fast-paced stream of gibberish about being the one who 'runs the close', asking to borrow DVDs and generally acting both hyperactive and shady at the same time. We gave him the benefit of the doubt, though - DVDs he borrowed from us ended up coming back in a timely fashion, and he lent us a few of his own as well. We even put up with the empty beer barrels he brought round to the house one day, claiming he was having a house party and needed to clear some room, and that he'd come to pick them up the next day (they ended up being there for a month, until the police took them away last night - but I'm getting ahead of myself). He could just be a bit eccentric, we reasoned. Not bad, as such, just a little bit unaware of things like propriety and personal boundaries, and when he's being utterly damned cheeky.

Well, we were quickly proven to be a little too trusting.

Yesterday evening, I got back to the house from about at about 5:40pm. Logan was literally right behind me, having been out of the house since 4:45pm to enrol at college. Jack turned up about ten minutes after me, and we were all gathered in the kitchen, Logan making me and him a cup of tea, all of us chatting about the day so far, bills, stuff like that. Jack mentioned that Helen had said that she thought she had lost her front door keys. Bugger, thought we. Oh well, not too much hassle - just get some more cut. Then, Jack headed upstairs, and me and Logan, still nattering away, went into the front room - which is when Logan quickly noticed the large, blank space on the living room floor where there should have been an Xbox 360, a power pack, all the leads, a HDMI cable, three pads, and a blue Adidas velcro-strip side bag.

It didn't really take us too long to piece together what had happened. During one of Q's previous random visits, he'd obviously swiped Helen's keys while everybody was either out of the room or looking another way. Logan recalled that earlier in the day, Q had been outside, ringing the doorbell and shouting to see if anyone was in. Logan didn't trust him or like him too much, and couldn't be arsed getting out of bed to answer. When Logan had gone to college, leaving the house empty as Jack and I were at work, Q must have let himself in with Helen's keys, quickly bundled the Xbox 360 and its related paraphenalia into the bag, and scarpered back to his house. A quick visit to his house let us know that Q's mom and brother had seen him leaving the house about half an hour previously, with a bag neither of them recognised that matched the description of Logan's missing bag - so, three guesses what was inside that?

The police were duly called, and at first we were fairly hopeful that we might have some chance of recovering the console - he hadn't had chance to get too far with it, after all. However, it took the police six hours to arrive after the call - apparently, someone having pilfered the keys to someone else's house and using the purloined keys to let themselves in to steal shit isn't a priority case. They must have had motorists to repeatedly kick in the balls, or pensioners to jail for missing a council tax payment, or something. When they finally did turn up, they warned us not to expect to get the Xbox back, since it had probably already been sold on. We had already figured as much, seeing as Q had, thanks to the police, had a six-hour head-start rather than a 30-minute one. Nice work, Holmes and Watson!

So now, we've got to go to the expense of changing the front door locks, since Q presumably still has Helen's keys, and may even have cut copies. Which is a bastard, because we already have unpaid bills and bank charges due to account foul-ups and delays. Logan is in mourning for his Xbox, and we're all out of pocket and pissed off. So yeah, the mood in Casa Del Dill isn't particularly bouyant right now.

First off, let me say that that was a real enjoyable read.

Secondly, why don't you beat the shit out of this GQ motherfucker?!?

Thanks very much. I've started getting more into this blogging lark of late, since I figure that even if my life's a bit shit right now, if others can get some enjoyment of me relating said shitness to them, then at least it isn't entirely meaningless.

As for the second point - that option was discussed, and at great length. Me, being the bleeding-heart liberal that you in particular know and love, campaigned more for a live-and-let-live course of action - partially because I'm a pacifist at heart, mainly because I'm sadly aware that while the boys in blue won't do shit to protect people from thieving sacks of shit like Q, they'll happily come down like a tonne of bricks on anyone who leaves thieving sacks of shit like Q in a bleeding mess on the floor. That said, me and the fellow housemates have put the word out about Q being a slimy little bastard with pretty much all of the local hard-men and drug-dealers around the Darlaston area - if any of them happen to have a problem with him for any reason, well, that's hardly any fault of ours...
Dill's Blog said:
Now, I don’t want to get on a rant here...

Actually, fuck it, yes I damn well do. In order to make up somewhat for the directionless and largely boring navel-gazing of yesterday's blog, today I'm going to do something that will hopefully be a little more accessible and entertaining for those precious few of you that actually bother to read these boredom-fuelled scribblings.

In short, I'm going to rant like a motherfucker about buses.

You see, I've been reliant on the public transport system for as long as I've needed to travel further than the corner shop. So, I've got many hundreds of bus-hours logged. If you could trade Bus Miles the same way that you can Air Miles, I'd probably have earned enough to own my own small tropical island by now. Which would be fantastically awesome, and would make all of the grievances and annoyances related to bus travel totally worth it, since it would mean that I'd have my own place to chill out on a sun-kissed beach, swinging lazily from a hammock, sipping cold lager from a coconut shell through a straw (what, I don't drink spirits), being fanned with palm fronds by hot, grass-skirted hula babes with dusky complexions and admirably liberal attitudes to threesomes.


But I digress. Here are some things about buses that piss me off.

- The People Who Must Share Their Music Collection With Everybody Else On Board.

This is probably the thing that annoys me most about bus travel. I actually manage to escape it usually, since I have an MP3 player of my own, and I use earphones. But on the odd occasions where I've left the player behind or it's out of batteries, I almost invariably have to suffer listening to the insipid trance, distorted speed-garage or Indian dance music blaring out from the speakers of the phone belonging to whoever it is on that bus that hasn't figured out what earphones are for yet. I've tried to figure out what compels these morons to assualt their fellow passenger's ears whenever they mount the 79, and can only come up with one theory - they must genuinely think that everybody else wants to hear what they're playing.

While this could, in theory, be an admirably altruistic attitude, it doesn't really work out in the long run, for several reasons. Firstly, the offender is usually playing their music in the form of a poorly-encoded, low-bitrate MP3, and blaring it forth at a far-too-high volume which introduces digital clipping, through a mobile phone speaker which has such a poor frequency range that the overall effect is like listening to someone screaming in tongues through a megaphone while a team of chimps attack a line of steel rubbish bins with rice flails.

Secondly, the offender almost never leaves a song to run through in its entirety. Invariably, their meagre attention spans can stand no more than about a minute of any given track before they start idly searching through their collection for some other song to pollute the immediate airspace with. This particularly drives me nuts, as I'm mildly obsessive-compulsive about that sort of thing - I hate channel-hoppers, random-radio-station-tuners and playlist-changers, because once I hear or see the beginning of something, I feel genuinely irritable if it's interuppted before the finish.

Thirdly, the offender has clearly succombed to the 'theory of mind' trap - assuming that simply because they know/prefer/understand something, everyone else in the world knows/prefers/understands the same thing. I learned about this through my ex, Amy, who is a mental health nurse. Apparently, people with certain learning disabilities can be shown a tube of Smarties, and asked 'what's in this?' and they'll (quite reasonably enough) answer 'Smarties'. If the tube is then opened, and a pencil falls out, if they are subsequently asked what anyone else would think is in the Smarties tube, even if they weren't present at the time, the person will answer 'a pencil' - not realising that just because they know what's in the tube, doesn't mean everyone else will. So, what this means, for the guy at the back of the bus blaring underground hip-hop at ear-destroying volumes - just because you think 'Rape A Bitch and Rob Her Family' is the dopest track on the scene, doesn't necessarily mean that the 80-year-old lady with the blue rinse and the heart condition agrees with you.

- Nutters On The Bus

Now, don't worry, I'm not going to start ripping off a Jasper Carrott routine here, but everybody's had this, haven't they? There is almost always someone who is completely out-to-lunch on any given bus, and personally, I reckon that it's an astounding statistical anomoly that they always end up sitting by me. I've had schizophrenic women carrying on screamingly intense arguments with themselves ending in threats of stabbing, warty-faced old men with little vocabulary outside of the vernacular (that means they swear a lot), a woman repeatedly complaining of intense headaches and asking whether she should take the pills that the nice doctor prescribed her, so maybe the headaches (and, apparently, the voices that cause them) would go away... The list goes on. Personally, I reckon I should be able to make the trip from Darlaston to Walsall to get to work without having to worry about whether my face is going to end up as someone's lampshade somewhere along the way.

- Incompetent Drivers

How many times have you been really desperate to get somewhere for a certain time, and the bus you've been waiting for has either been ridiculously delayed, or just hasn't come at all? Public transport is pretty much the only industry where this kind of shit not only happens on a regular basis, but results in practically no censure whatsoever for the perpetrators. Imagine if you worked for a mail-order catalogue company, and you took payment for orders that you subsequently never sent out. How quickly do you think Trading Standards officials would be all over your ass? Yet that's pretty much what happens to us poor paying Bus Pass holders on a frighteningly regular basis - we're paying for service that simply don't arrive. There's never a word of explanation or apology, but the charges keep going up. It seriously winds me up.

Okay, this ended up being quite a long one - there's lots more I could rave about, but I may as well save it for my upcoming novel, 'Public Transport And Me: One Man's Struggle With Travel West Midlands'.

Awesome :lol: