The (Un)official write anything you want page

Yeah, nice sweep they did. Then again, didn't expect anything different. The sox showed in the last games of the AL Championship what they can do, and played out just like that through the last 4 games.
I just heard that Decapitated got in a car accident in Russia. Two of them are in reanimation and one's really bad...
Lucky for them that
is on the job.
The Hills were telling me that the character from the "I am Legend" novel was Scandinavian. Does Will Smith have Nordic blood in him?

Trailer looks cool nonetheless.

Seen 20 minutes of 30 days of night the other day. This was the first movie to keep my interest for that amount of time since I can't even recall. Will finish it next time I have some hours to kill at work.

Folks, recommend me some novels (200-400 pages in length) that will bloody my sack with enjoyment. I have a $50 borders gift card, and I'm willing to use it.
Hunter S. Thompson's "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" and/or "The Rum Diary"

Charles Bukowski's "Ham on Rye"

Good call on Thompson. "Hell's Angels" is good.

I prefer "Post Office," "Factotum," and "Women" to "Ham on Rye," but it's still good and also a good starting point for a Bukowski newb. Get Rupert Thomson's "Divided Kingdom," or better yet, "The Book of Revelation."
I was thinking more along the lines of novels in the vein of "Gates of Fire". Ken where art thou?!?! I have a thirst for literary bloodshed!

Judging by your post in the Books thread I assume you've already decided, but if not then I'd recommend a collection of some of Tolstoy's short stories, preferably one containing The Death of Ivan Ilitch which is one of the best (short) stories I've ever read