The (Un)official write anything you want page

:( , but money is more important at this stage, especially because I have had terrible luck trying to find other jobs besides in food service.
Do you really think he could understand the vocals?

It's pretty clear what is said in the song at the end section when he says it over and over.

The vacuum sellers around here are New Orleans transplants living in government housing with their 18 kids and 12 baby mamai, so they'll try to find any reason to pull the race card for any little thing and get their money from the white man, so I've been trying to avoid incidents like this.

The one thing I agree with the mormons about: I want these fucking my pals out of the area. They're a god damn nuisance. Worse than the fucking mexicans, since atleast the mexicans provide me delicious burritos from various stands. These my pals aren't selling any watermelon or fried chicken at all. Not providing to the community.

Usually get one Buckwheat a week or two at the door selling shit, so hopefully that'll end that.
so last night (er, early this morning) at work I was happy to see it was Thursday and thought to myself "Oh joy! one more day of work and the weekend is here! time to frolic to and fro!"

Then I realized I still gotta be back at work today at 5pm and have 2 more days of work rather than 1 before I could imagine that it's really almost time to frolic to and fro :(
I also think he should cut it into something crazy before he hacks it off...mutton chops?

This is my vote:


Glasses essential.
Some asshole woke me up this morning by flying his airplane extremely low over the field behind where I live. Then from 8 until 10 he continued flying it there, and when I got back from class around 1 he was still there, so I assume he didn't stop for long. Since 1 he has continued to fly around in circles, extremely close to the ground. Only acrobatic pilots and cropdusters have any business flying this low and he seems to be neither. :mad: