The (Un)official write anything you want page

It was a student's last day today because she was quitting. I've seen lots of students go. In fact, my boss says I'm slowing killing this language school. However, this was the first time one actually cried when she left.

Oh, and I suck at coming up with excuses on the fly. A student asked me if I'd like to spend New Year's Day with her and her family and with all the other students and my boss just staring at me waiting for my answer, I just said "uuhhhhh sure" despite my mind screaming "Oh god no, think of some way to get out of it you bastard!" I'm not sure if I've mentioned this student before. She's been coming to this school for 8 years or more and can't speak English worth a shit. Now, granted, that's probably in large part because this school doesn't really advance English skills. It also doesn't help that she's fucking retarded. No, I'm quite serious. I think she's mentally handicapped. I get to spend a multitude of hours with a retard, her deathly sick mother, and her fish reeking father. Nice.
Was that actually funny? I may be slowly killing this business but Japan is slowly killing my intellect. The other day I was getting dressed as a fucked up Santa (but Santa none-the-less) right in front of two young students to go parade myself in front of another class as the one and only and it wasn't until a day or two after that I thought, "Huh, I probably destroyed their belief in that fat fuck, Santa-san."
I don't have many old guys as students. Most of my adult students are women. However, the older crowd here (30 and up) love to grab my ass. While pictures are being taken, just walking around, by complete strangers helping me put on a yukata, even at a temple once.
The other day I was getting dressed as a fucked up Santa (but Santa none-the-less) right in front of two young students to go parade myself in front of another class as the one and only and it wasn't until a day or two after that I thought, "Huh, I probably destroyed their belief in that fat fuck, Santa-san."


I wouldn't mind some pics of that kind to be interspered among the majestic nature pics© of yours
Doomcifer just sent me a track on AIM. It's Viaje A 800 - Los ángeles que hay en mi piel.

It's the fucking shit!
My left boob hurts and the nipple itches. Visually nothing seems out of the oridinary, and there are no lumps. But now I'm going to worry about Inflammatory Breast Cancer :tickled:

Oh and I shant post pics.
lol... like in Full Metal Jacket... too big! too big! Are you secretly a black dude? Or are they also afraid of gigantic white dude dicks in japan? Maybe you should show them its not massive and they won't be so afraid of you? :p