The (Un)official write anything you want page

Ken, what's that in your avatar?

also, what Radiohead album is good starting point for my sister who has probably only heard their singles but wants to get into them so I'm getting her 1 or 2 cds for xmas??
Ken, what's that in your avatar?

also, what Radiohead album is good starting point for my sister who has probably only heard their singles but wants to get into them so I'm getting her 1 or 2 cds for xmas??

Viaje A 800 - Estampida De Trombones

As far as Radiohead...dude, they're all good. Definitely OK Computer. After that, who the fuck knows. If she enjoys very relaxing/drifting/melancholy/electronic music, shoot with Kid A. Just don't get Pablo Honey. :tickled: Their latest album I'm thinking is my favorite besides OK Computer.
Matthew - Pick up O.K Computer & The Bends

Ken - Upload some of that beaner shit will ye?

Mike - Sorry to hear about your wheels, that can be very frustrating indeed.

Phillip - :lol:
Viaje A 800 - Estampida De Trombones

As far as Radiohead...dude, they're all good. Definitely OK Computer. After that, who the fuck knows. If she enjoys very relaxing/drifting/melancholy/electronic music, shoot with Kid A. Just don't get Pablo Honey. :tickled: Their latest album I'm thinking is my favorite besides OK Computer.

Thanks !
Saw Amon Amarth tonight. Ended up getting to the venue late due to work/traffic. Sadly, not late enough since I had to catch the end of the some local bands pathetic set. Basic song went like this:

3 chugs
different breakdown
1 chug


For some odd reason me and a couple friends decided to start singing various blind guardian, manowar, and dream evil songs. No idea why.

Next up was Sonic Syndicate. I don't get them... Whats the point of having guitarists if all you can hear is preprogrammed synth lines/drums/the 2 gay vocalists.

Himsa came on next, with a nice bit of irony... The vocalist was wearing a hoodie that said "Death to false metal". I laughed uncontrollably.

After about a 35 minute wait Amon Amarth blasted out onto the fucking stage and assaulted my ears with one of the finest headlining sets I'd ever seen. Set-list was decent, though, could of done with a few more songs from Once Sent and The Avenger:

1. Valhall Awaits
2. With Oden
3. Death in Fire
4. Versus
5. Asator
6. Eight Hooves
7. Hermod's (I prefer Under The Northern Star, bastards.)
8. Black Birds
9. Fate of Norns
10. Thousand Years
11. Slopes of Death
12. Ancient Gods
13. Runes
14. Victorious March
15. Ancient Sign (Would of much rather had Pagan Blood)
16. Pursuit of Vikings

Victorious March stole the fucking show for me. What an amazing fucking song live.

Got to chat with Johan for just a sec after the set, basically just a "hi, yo, cool set, bout time you headlined in the US" etc.

Anyway, despite the SHIT for openers, still worth the ticket cost. :headbang:
Holy shit... I think some my pals just stole my bike. I had it out front cause I was putting a new chain on it, came inside for a sec to grab a ratchet, and now its gone.

For the record, black people don't steal bikes. Just like you'll never see a black guy surfing or skiiing, they simply wouldn't be caught dead on a bike.
Good try though!