The (Un)official write anything you want page

So I was pretty fucking hungry when I got home, didn't feel like going out or making anything, so I ordered from dominos. I saw the commercial for those fucking sandwich things and said "well, it can't hurt to try". I was wrong.

The thing arrived and it looked like it had been infected with aids after spending a few years in a jewish interment camp. It was half burnt, it had little to no substance, and I believe it was screaming "Cure me!". I ate it anyway. The taste was like that of eating dissatisfaction itself. The bread was made of cancer cells, and the salami seemed more like sliced labia skin from a leper. I continued eating despite this due to the fact that I was starving.

Little did I know the pain to come.

For the last 2 hours I have been on and off the toilet in a 10/5 minute ratio (10 minutes on toilet for every 5 minutes not on toilet). My asshole feels as if someone stuck a propane torch up to the rim and lit it. The shit I am expelling is not even shit. It smells and resembles drano, and actually, it feels like I am shitting DRANO.

I am never using the words "It can't hurt to try it" again. Because it fucking hurts. IT FUCKING HURTS.
well, it looks like a few dark days ahead down here. ill be checking in until tomorrow evening sometime. i go to work for about 4-6 hours tomorrow morning, then its home for the weekend to ride out ike. ill prolly be without power for a few days. if so, we're headed to lake sam rayburn to ride boats, go tubing and fish while our neighbors sweat their asses off with no AC.

kinda weird how no one is talking about ike like they did katrina or even rita. maybe everyone is storm weary. i am. flood insurance is a good thing.

good luck papajosh. you're a lot more south than i am.

see you on the other side of the perfect storm.
I have'nt had any weed nor sleep for going on six days now due to upcoming drug tests at work and am feeling really scattered, being dead tired with eyes that won't shut,laying awake,tossing and turning at night,hopefully i'll get used to it soon,i'm trying to be positive about it,but man,it's been a long week!!
To everyone in the gulf states (including my relatives who don't read this board but whatever), get to higher ground or batten down the hatches if you can't leave. Stay safe!!

you mean like myself? if it were up to you, i swear you'd have all of america live in the most boring state (Nebraska?) where nothing ever happens.
does anyone?

stay safe you Texans!


So apparently Galvestion residents have been warned of "certain death" if they don't flee. The whole city's under water already and the thing hasn't even hit yet! It will be interesting to see just how much of it is left tomorrow.

The storm we'll get up here should be fun though.
yeah, one of my buddies recently moved to galveston, right off the seawall. probably should call him.

just some winds up here, but we're not expected to get hit until about 6 hours from now.

This is the motherfucking Deluge. We're fucked. "Learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim....."
I'm envisioning a large protective bubble surround both my brothers' houses right now but I think it needs to expand out to Humble and Kingwood where other relatives may have not evacuated. I'll envision a protective bubble for the whole fucking state, too, to cover any pesky Tejas Tornados.

Stay saaaafe!