The (Un)official write anything you want page

$1.49 box yellow cake mix
+$1.99 can pumpkin pie filling
+$1.99 can cream cheese frosting
$5.47 pumpkin cake

now let's see if it's any good.....

verdict: :headbang:
those 704's demand a separates system with a sweet power amp ... forget the Outlaw

Ah contrare moufrare

That Outlaw is plenty good enough to drive the 704's. However, in the future, I shall upgrade to a seperate, and that Outlaw RR2150 has the capabilty of playing the part as solely a preamp or amp on its own. There is an Outlaw Amp that is said to go beautifully together with it. So....
saw the Smashing Pumpkins at the Mohegan Sun Arena on Sunday night. this is a big ass arena and we had 10th row floor seats! my best friend's dad got the tickets for free from his bank because he's some sort of gambling addicted high roller. oh well, totally worked out for us. seeing as how the only originals are jimmy and billy, i thought that the new band would suck but I was VERY WRONG. they rocked outrageously hard and played for a full three hours (including an encore of "set the controls for the heart of the sun" and "tonight, tonight" with the full studio orchestra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) many of the songs just went off into psychedelic jams that were just outstanding to hear from a band that is not exactly famous for its improv. i sort of realized that most of their studio work is actually just billy and jimmy anway, so that's probably why they still tore it up. billy's voice was right on the money... this was definitely the best show i've ever seen. it was like a dream come true, i've wanted to see these guys since like age 5 and i had given up on the idea! if you can catch them on this tour or at any other event, DO IT!

edit: bonus = two very hot women in the band now playing bass and keys, respectively.
i'm looking forward to the day i can buy a half decent hifi system

probably getting the rotel ra-04 + a pair of dali concept 2's
my friend just totally hooked me up with a NY Chiefs of Police membership card and car window sticker.
will test out their validity this weekend after a night binging and driving home :loco:
you know you're from NYC when:

1.You say "the city" and expect everyone to know that this means Manhattan.

2.You have never been to the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building.

3.You can get into a four-hour argument about how to get from Columbus Circle to Battery Park at 3:30 on the Friday before a long weekend, but can't find Wisconsin on a map.

4.Hookers and the homeless are invisible.

5.The subway makes sense.

6.You believe that being able to swear at people in their own language makes you multi-lingual.

7.You've considered stabbing someone just for saying "The Big Apple".

8.The most frequently used part of your car is the horn.

9.You call an 8' x 10' plot of patchy grass a yard.

10.You consider Westchester "upstate".

11.You think Central Park is "nature."

12.You see nothing odd about the speed of an auctioneer's speaking.

13.You're paying $1,200 for a studio the size of a walk-in closet and you think it’s a "steal."

14.You've been to New Jersey twice and got hopelessly lost both times.

15.You pay more each month to park your car than most people in the U.S. pay in rent.

16.You haven't seen more than twelve stars in the night sky since you went away to camp as a kid.

17.You go to dinner at 9 and head out to the clubs when most Americans are heading to bed.

18.Your closet is filled with black clothes.

19.You haven't heard the sound of true absolute silence since the 80s, and when you did, it terrified you.

20.You pay $5 without blinking for a beer that cost the bar 28 cents.

21.You take fashion seriously.

22.Being truly alone makes you nervous.

23.You have 27 different menus next to your telephone.

24.Going to Brooklyn is considered a "road trip."

25.America west of the Hudson is still theoretical to you.

26.You've gotten jaywalking down to an art form.

27.You take a taxi to get to your health club to exercise.

28.Your idea of personal space is no one actually standing on your toes.

29.$50 worth of groceries fit in one paper bag.

30.You have a minimum of five "worst cab ride ever" stories.

31.You don't notice sirens anymore.

32.You live in a building with a larger population than most American towns.

33.Your doorman is Russian, your grocer is Korean your deli man is Israeli, your building super is Italian, your laundry guy is Chinese, your favorite bartender is Irish, your favorite diner owner is Greek, the watchseller on your corner is Senegalese, your last cabbie was Pakistani, your newsstand guy is Indian and your favorite falafel guy is Egyptian.

34.You're suspicious of strangers who are actually nice to you.

35.You secretly envy cabbies for their driving skills.

36.You think $7.00 to cross a bridge is a fair price.

37.Your door has more than three locks.

38.Your favorite movie has DeNiro in it.

39.You consider eye contact an act of overt aggression.

40.You run when you see a flashing "Do Not Walk" sign at the intersection.

41.You're 35 years old and don't have a driver's license.

42.You ride in a subway car with no air conditioning just because there are seats available.

43.You're willing to take in strange people as roommates simply to help pay the rent.

44.There is no North and South...

45.It's uptown or downtown.

46.When you're away from home, you miss "real" pizza and "real" bagels.

47.You know the differences between all the different Ray's Pizzas.

48.You're not in the least bit interested in going to Times Square on New Year's Eve.

49.Your internal clock is permanently set to know when Alternate Side of the Street parking regulations are in effect.

50.You know what a bodega is.

51.You know how to fold the New York Times in half, vertically, so that you can read it on the subway or bus without knocking off other passenger's hats.

52.Someone bumps into you, and you check for your wallet.....

53.You cringe at hearing people pronounce Houston St. like the city in Texas

54.Film crews on your block annoy you, not excite you.

55. People from other states cant tell a polar bear from a peanut, but they know you're from NY the second you open your mouth.

56. When you are able to make a right turn at a red light.. you think it's the best thing ever.

57. Rather than waiting safely on the sidewalk to cross the street, you wait inches away from speeding traffic waiting to cut through it.

58. Your local news is national news.

59. You walk a mile in 13 minutes and think that everything should be open 24/7.

60. You know who Dr. Z is...

61. You think you know better than everyone else in the world.. when in reality.. well.. you do.

62. Yellow light means speed up.

63. Red light means speed up because you know have that 1 second pause until the other light turns green.

64. Communicating with people on the road only takes one finger.

65. You order your dinner and have it delivered.. from the place across the street.

66. You cross the street on a greenlight, and if you get hit by a car you blame the driver for "not watching where they're going.

67. You can tell a gunshot from a firecracker and not get scared, but when you go to the burbs you get scared of hearing a cricket.

68. You know the lights above the skyscrapers is the closest thing we have to stars.
I love how the article portrays anonymous people on the net as uncaring devils.

A Florida teenager who used a webcam to live-stream his suicide Wednesday was reportedly encouraged by other people on the Web site, authorities told
Abraham Biggs alleged suicide streamed on

"People were egging him on and saying things like 'go ahead and do it, faggot,' said Wendy Crane, an investigator at the Broward County Medical Examiner's office.

Abraham Biggs, 19, of Pembroke Pines, Fla., had been blogging on an online body-building message board and had linked to his page on, a live video streaming Web site, where the camera rolled as he overdosed on prescription pills, according to Crane.

Biggs, who had reportedly been discussing his suicide on the forums, also posted a suicide note on a bodybuilding forum, which has since been taken down, in which he wrote "I hate myself and I hate living."

"I have let everyone down and I feel as though I will never change or never improve," Biggs apparently wrote in the posting. "I am in love with a girl and I know that I am not good enough for her. I have come to believe that my life has all been meaningless. I keep trying and I keep failing. I have thought about and attempted suicide many times in the past."

The video and blog postings have since been removed from the sites, but Crane, who has seen both, said that at first viewers thought the suicide was a hoax.

"The bloggers said that Biggs had threatened to kill himself before and had faked it, so at first they didn't believe him," said Crane. "Gradually, as you read the blog further into the day the bloggers start commenting on how Biggs isn't moving."

Crane said comments on the thread included an exchange about whether the image of Biggs' motionless body was a still photograph or a video, and eventually resulted in one of the site's visitors calling the police, who tracked down the teen through his computer IP address.

According to Wired magazine, online viewers watching the video ranged from "OMG" – Internet slang for oh my god – and LOL – an abbreviation for laughing out loud.
vivid description of hell

I agree.

According to Wired magazine, online viewers watching the video ranged from "OMG" – Internet slang for oh my god – and LOL – an abbreviation for laughing out loud.

omg... :lol::lol::lol::lol:

people fake shit on the net all the time. Sounds like he#d done it before. Theres a story about the boy who cried wolf...

lets thank the kid for cleaning up the gene pool.