The (Un)official write anything you want page

fotmbm said:
what if they have loads and loads of sex, they just leave home for the crazy stuff involving poop, leather, huge things and pain?
in the top ten of my favorite posts.
Trylakos said:
I wonder how curious parents get about stuff like that. Maybe everytime a mother says to breath at them for alcohol, they are really looking for recent shit guzzling rampage leftovers.
hahahahhahaa oh MAN that rules.
Doomcifer said:
its so fucking muggy and sticky im gonna diiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
im outa here to my AC bedroom...fuck this.

so. fucking. terrible.

It was our "senior picnic" today for school. I played ultimate frisbee with these hippie kids from Cromwell for two hours and let's just say that it appeared as if I had taken a shower and then just put my clothes back on. Disgusting, fuck these middle New-England summers.
Thanatopsis123 said:
In the past few days I've applied to 10 different jobs in Japan. Wish me luck because if this doesn't pan out I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do. Peace Corps maybe? :erk:

Kickass, got any websites for Japanese ex-patriatism-help?

I love reading about ex-pat stuff/how to go about doing it in different places.
Kickass, got any websites for Japanese ex-patriatism-help?

I love reading about ex-pat stuff/how to go about doing it in different places.

Definitely. As you said, Amsterdam is ex-pat CENTRAL.
Dude seriously. It was like 80 degrees at 7am WTF. And I'm going to spend all day in the desert tomorrow WTFF.
Not too bad thankfully. That's the one thing I can't stand about the heat, god damn humidity. Fuck Florida and all its stupid clones.
What desert? This entire clusterfuck called SoCal is one big fucking desert!! Oh and on a different note, have you ever been to the city of Altadena? It's north of Colorado Blvd above Pasadena. I just mention this as I just returned from there and noticed that the populace is dominated by filthy mozambique mongrels who linger in the streets w/ porch knuckles in tow. Ughhhh!
Man, it's way worse here than you can really understand for New England (probably)... makes Florida look like a proper alternative at times... :(

I don't know if it's this fucking part of Connecticut or something, but it gets FUCKED UP here when it comes to humidity.
I've probably passed through it, but I have not seen the knucklescrapers you speak of. Although after Inglewood, I'm pretty jaded to anything other than straight up gorillas in the mist.

Oh and I was referring to Joshua Tree. The Desert desert, as opposed to just the desert like the rest of SoCal. :loco:
@Reign: Sit. Climb. Fall. Meditate. Yell at nothingness. Fend off poisonous critters. Etc.

@Max: Whelk from FFIII/VI :kickass:
Tek Missile Tek Missile Tek Missile Tek Missile

haha remember when Vicks and Wedge showed up at the fair in Chrono Trigger? That was rad. Then Cecil showed up in some hut in Secret of Evermore and gave you a rocket launcher? Whoa.