I also use coreldraw a lot more than illustrator and since I started using it on a regular basis I've started thinking it's better than illustrator too, but ai doesn't suck ass imo, just works differently. both programs have their pros and cons, but cdr has a lot more pros and less cons.
stuff one uses all the time, like what ai calls clipping masks and compound paths, are unnecessarily convoluted. powerclip is aeons ahead of ai's fucking stupid clipping masks. the combine tools are their so called "smart guides" are anything but, it's SO MUCH easier to snap objects to lines and nodes in cdr. like the guy above said, it takes SEVERAL CLICKS to change shit like line thickness or color. the interface doesn't follow any ms windows standard guidelines so finding obscure features (as you frequently have to do because nothing can be obvious in an application for "professionals", you have to EARN your right to use this program) is usually a hunt for a 5 pixel button with an indecipherable icon.
isolation mode is retarded, this would not be necessary if it was not an absolute pain in the ass to do something so simple as SELECT MULTIPLE OBJECTS
here's a sample.
task: center selected object to page.
1. press "P".
1. select window/align to make sure the align toolbar is up.
2. press a nondescript 7x7 pixel button with an icon that looks like it has four lines and a triangle on it.
3. select "show options".
4. check "align to artboard" in the "align to" button-menu with a nondescript icon in the lower right.
5. press "horizontal align center", the second button from the left in the uppermost row of nondescript buttons.
6. press "vertical align center", the fifth button from the left in the uppermost row of nondescript buttons.
this is the easiest and official way to do it. i could pull out 50 examples of this nature. illustrator SUCKS, wholesale and undoubtedly. hell mike, here's a challenge: name ONE "pro" of illustrator except "it can open compressed AI files" EDIT: also, better opentype support
Holy shit, the last few posts inspired me to log in and comment. I've been saying exactly the same shit as Erik for years and no-one fucking gets it. Everyone thinks that Coreldraw is antiquated because it's been around longer than Quark, but I can do any job in 1/10 the time using corel over illustrator. I don't see how illustrator became industry standard AT ALL when it takes 4-5 clicks to change the fucking colour of the fucking stroke on a goddamn object.