The (Un)official write anything you want page

I find Corel Draw pretty confusing... More confusing that Illustrator.
Oh, and I hate working with vector. Probably because I'm not good at it at all.
I find Corel Draw pretty confusing... More confusing that Illustrator.

i work with vector graphics every day at work so i am AWESOME at coreldraw, and i love that program (and i usually hate most software, but coreldraw is mostly flawless as far as the user interface goes, although it has its retarded moments.) it is my default choice for 99% of everything.

but i also know illustrator, but let me tell you, if i didn't HAVE to use it i wouldn't ever touch it. i HAVE to use it when clients send files in AI format that i cannot open in coreldraw. it is a truly spectacular trainwreck of stupid decisions, 15 year old legacy cruft and hopeless UI design.

pretty sure i would be faster at most or all common tasks in coreldraw than someone with equal experience in illustrator. that shit's so anti-human it might as well be a swedish black metal band.

EDIT: on the other hand, corel photopaint is fully worthless while adobe photoshop deserves its "industry standard" designation (because it is awesome)
Well, maybe I have to give it another try then...
Because when I get some orders I try to avoid using vector and just do everything is Photoshop....
Holy shit, the last few posts inspired me to log in and comment. I've been saying exactly the same shit as Erik for years and no-one fucking gets it. Everyone thinks that Coreldraw is antiquated because it's been around longer than Quark, but I can do any job in 1/10 the time using corel over illustrator. I don't see how illustrator became industry standard AT ALL when it takes 4-5 clicks to change the fucking colour of the fucking stroke on a goddamn object.
If anyone is in need of 2CD jewel cases, let me know...I have a couple hundred extra and will sell or trade them cheap. They are the newer style (same size as a standard jewel case) and not the old-school behemoths that used to plague collectors.

I could actually use a couple.. let take a look at your distro and see if there's anything I'm interested in getting along with some jewel cases.
I also use coreldraw a lot more than illustrator and since I started using it on a regular basis I've started thinking it's better than illustrator too, but ai doesn't suck ass imo, just works differently. both programs have their pros and cons, but cdr has a lot more pros and less cons.
question for you audio geeks

doesn't having a USB turntable kind of defeat the purpose of analog sound?

seems like there are a lot of them out there. anyone use them?

They are convienent for ripping Vinyl to your computer though the quality is often shit as you would expect. I'd say it does defeat the purpose yes.

On the other hand there are USB based DACs and those are fiercly debated vs Firewire and optical ones so who knows.
Netflix streaming rules for cult B-movies of the horror variety.

Yes. Yes it does.

I could actually use a couple.. let take a look at your distro and see if there's anything I'm interested in getting along with some jewel cases.

Ok man, let me know. If it's with an order, they are free (assuming you don't need 50 of them).
One of my very best friends bought me a watch worth about $1K for my birthday last week. A grand gesture and I was very thankful.
The watch however is a bit small (dial wise) and not really my style. I hate to have something awesome like this sit around and not be used as I like watches but not sure what to do not to offend him. Would feel guilty exchanging it or selling it for a different one.
what would you do?
I also use coreldraw a lot more than illustrator and since I started using it on a regular basis I've started thinking it's better than illustrator too, but ai doesn't suck ass imo, just works differently. both programs have their pros and cons, but cdr has a lot more pros and less cons.

stuff one uses all the time, like what ai calls clipping masks and compound paths, are unnecessarily convoluted. powerclip is aeons ahead of ai's fucking stupid clipping masks. the combine tools are their so called "smart guides" are anything but, it's SO MUCH easier to snap objects to lines and nodes in cdr. like the guy above said, it takes SEVERAL CLICKS to change shit like line thickness or color. the interface doesn't follow any ms windows standard guidelines so finding obscure features (as you frequently have to do because nothing can be obvious in an application for "professionals", you have to EARN your right to use this program) is usually a hunt for a 5 pixel button with an indecipherable icon.

isolation mode is retarded, this would not be necessary if it was not an absolute pain in the ass to do something so simple as SELECT MULTIPLE OBJECTS

here's a sample.

task: center selected object to page.

1. press "P".


1. select window/align to make sure the align toolbar is up.
2. press a nondescript 7x7 pixel button with an icon that looks like it has four lines and a triangle on it.
3. select "show options".
4. check "align to artboard" in the "align to" button-menu with a nondescript icon in the lower right.
5. press "horizontal align center", the second button from the left in the uppermost row of nondescript buttons.
6. press "vertical align center", the fifth button from the left in the uppermost row of nondescript buttons.

this is the easiest and official way to do it. i could pull out 50 examples of this nature. illustrator SUCKS, wholesale and undoubtedly. hell mike, here's a challenge: name ONE "pro" of illustrator except "it can open compressed AI files" EDIT: also, better opentype support

Holy shit, the last few posts inspired me to log in and comment. I've been saying exactly the same shit as Erik for years and no-one fucking gets it. Everyone thinks that Coreldraw is antiquated because it's been around longer than Quark, but I can do any job in 1/10 the time using corel over illustrator. I don't see how illustrator became industry standard AT ALL when it takes 4-5 clicks to change the fucking colour of the fucking stroke on a goddamn object.
hell mike, here's a challenge: name ONE "pro" of illustrator except "it can open compressed AI files"[/img]

  • Better pen tool imo
  • You can easily place objects at set coordinates (such as left center at X27.5Y12.2 or top right corner at whatever)
  • Uses the mouse wheel like it's supposed to.

There you go! I still like coreldraw better so we don't have to fistfight it unless you really want to
  • Better pen tool imo
  • You can easily place objects at set coordinates (such as left center at X27.5Y12.2 or top right corner at whatever)
  • Uses the mouse wheel like it's supposed to.[

There you go! I still like coreldraw better so we don't have to fistfight it unless you really want to

1. okay but doesn't illustrator's pen tool work exactly like coreldraws bezier tool?
2. there are x and y boxes in the upper left corner like illustrator's, by default coreldraw counts from the bottom left instead of the top left, otherwise this works exactly like in illustrator as far as i know -- also if you want to set the top right corner of an object at x666 y88 then you use the position transformation docker, press alt-f7 bro
3. coreldraw scrolls with the mouse wheel on my computer because i set it that way in my mouse driver. i agree that this should be the default though. you can still scroll with the mouse wheel in cdr by holding ctrl or alt.

also no fistfights but my theory is that illustrator does almost nothing better than cdr and i need to test it
1. okay but doesn't illustrator's pen tool work exactly like coreldraws bezier tool?
2. there are x and y boxes in the upper left corner like illustrator's, by default coreldraw counts from the bottom left instead of the top left, otherwise this works exactly like in illustrator as far as i know -- also if you want to set the top right corner of an object at x666 y88 then you use the position transformation docker, press alt-f7 bro
3. coreldraw scrolls with the mouse wheel on my computer because i set it that way in my mouse driver. i agree that this should be the default though. you can still scroll with the mouse wheel in cdr by holding ctrl or alt.

also no fistfights but my theory is that illustrator does almost nothing better than cdr and i need to test it
1. Nah, not exactly. To get it to work like I want I need to combine the cdr pen and bezier tool, but I suppose it's just a matter of habit/preference anyway


3. or just middle click and drag but still, stupid default mode by cdr

4. AI recently (?) moved the page size boxes to a new ugly suxing button which is at least two extra clicks and not necessary at all which is crap.
I agree with that theory. Another thing to consider when doing shit like this is that 95% of the work done is fast and possibly sloppy (because time=money), so the fast and sloppy ways need to be precise and simple and the RIGHT way to do something should be fast and precise.