The (Un)official write anything you want page

Yeah so I had a dream about lurch v.RC last night. You were laying on a mattress in my lounge room floor in speedos to watch some movie. Then you spat on the floor, and I cracked the shits. Good story.
nothing like coming home at 1am shitfaced and my daughter also deciding to have a bad nights sleep and waking up at 6am
holy freaking hangover
just got this Dor De Duh 7" EP in the mail from my buddy in Romania ... man does this thing alone make me want to seek out a turntable.
probably going to do some digging and put together a small stereo system on the cheap with used gear.

there really is some magic in vinyl. i missed it.
can i save up 1700 dollars until the 28th of february? i hope so because i'm THIS {} CLOSE to making use of a "buy now, pay later" deal for ordering a pentax k-5, the most amazing camera in the whole wide world
thanx for the encouragement! that's what i'm thinking -- i usually work half time but this month i'm working full time to save up cash, and i'm thinking of doing the same december, january, maybe february... so i might actually pull this off. but on principle i am against buying stuff for money i don't have. but i really want this camera.

the weak dollar is on my side here because while americans are whining that this new camera is TOO EXPENSIVE (although it's in the same price range as the nearest competitors, canon 7d and nikon d7000) it's actually pretty fucking affordable by swedish standards

so yeah i really should get it, it will be such a humongous leap up from the camera i have now and will revitalize my interest in photography i'm sure
thanx for the encouragement! that's what i'm thinking -- i usually work half time but this month i'm working full time to save up cash, and i'm thinking of doing the same december, january, maybe february... so i might actually pull this off. but on principle i am against buying stuff for money i don't have. but i really want this camera.

the weak dollar is on my side here because while americans are whining that this new camera is TOO EXPENSIVE (although it's in the same price range as the nearest competitors, canon 7d and nikon d7000) it's actually pretty fucking affordable by swedish standards

so yeah i really should get it, it will be such a humongous leap up from the camera i have now and will revitalize my interest in photography i'm sure
Yeah, I understand the principal side perfectly.
Yet, in this partucular situation you're not buying something needless just for fun, - we all know that a camera plays pretty important role in your life, so maybe it's time for exceptions.
Like I said - the particular time limits and all - will give you more of motivation than if you were saving before buying (as there are tons of little shallow things everyday that eat our cash and in the end of the month we realize that spent a lot of money on some needless shit). Plus, maybe this camera with it's new abilities will help you to earn some extra money (commercial photoshoots) to pay the loan\credit back.
Good luck!
sometimes i wish i was more of a businessman so i could do things like this :yell:
i'm working hard on learning how to make money with my camera...
too bad that 8 of 10 clients that I'm getting to shoot are some kind of my friends that I can't take money from and then Im being asked 47 times a day "so, when can I see the photos?!". I get this question pretty much more often than "how are you?".
Lately I'm learning how to say "no" though... :bah:
it's also tough because personally, i often find it exceedingly boring shooting pictures of people, and i imagine probably 75% of all commisioned photographs have people in them in one way or another

good luck to you though!